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Commissioner Roberts rioted that the sentence on the 8a" paragraph on page 1 3 sltould be <br />moth}red to read as £ollows: "Commissioner Roberts noted that she Ytad not answered <br />"yes" to any part of the questions in the staff report because the conditions Zeading to <br />rezoning could riot he mode-" <br />Commissioner Blank noted that the sentence on the Sri' paragraph on page 14 should be <br />modified to read as follows: Commissioners Blat~l~ Roberts, Maas, ^^ -'~--~-.-~-.-r'.----, Fox, and <br />Pearce disclosed that they had met separately with the applicar~t. Commissioners BZank <br />arced Arkin met with the appZicarst at the some tinx e- " <br />Cotrirrtission er Nox noted that the first sentence of the '7'~' full paragraph on page 16, <br />should be modified to read as follows: "Commissioner Fox liked the design of the garage <br />cmd noted that it wus,fur superior to the ~- '°" -- ~'--- gray parking garages at <br />PcopleSoft; she would like electronic signs to be used that indicate whether parkin <br />.spacc~_s were uvuiZubZe, or if the parkirzg garage wus fuZZ "'~-~ -- ---~a-~- -~~ ~--~-~~-~ a~-r' <br />Cotnn~issioner Fox noted that the last sentence of the 3"~ paragraph on page 14 be deleted, <br />as follows- "€"~-° __ __. _, ,a ~ ~~~~c~:.___~ r .a, ___... _a, -~ ,~ <br />Commissioner Pearce noted that the first sentence of the 3`d paragraph on page 9, be <br />modified to read as follows: "Commissioner Pearce noted that while <br />*'~° '^-~- °- ~a-=~a~~--~, the City Council was anticipating making this a permitted use, <br />its adopzZon was riot a certuirzty-' <br />With respect to Item 6.c._ PAUP-2, Alonzo R- Hudson, on page 7, Commissioner Arkin <br />wished to add his disclosure that he saw the chickens. <br />Cotntnissioner Arkin noted that the inquiry regarding the flipping of the property on the <br />5`r' toll paragraph on page 13 was not his con~tment_ CJon-tmissioner Blank indicated that it <br />was he who asked the question. <br />Kevin Close, 877 Sycamore Road, noted that the second. sentence o£the 5`" paragraph on <br />page 5 should. be modified to read as £ollows: "He added that in the past stczff~reports, <br />Wayne Rasmussen and Bri art Swift had always conceived the homes to he estate-sized <br />horrtes at the golf co ors c." The Coaramission concurred that this charge should be made <br />to the minutes. <br />'T"he mirzutes were approved as corrected~ <br />3_ MEETING OPEN FOR ANY MEMBER OF THE AUDIENCE TO <br />ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION ON ANY ITEM WHICH IS <br />NOT ALREADY ON THE AGENDA_ <br />There were none- <br />PLANNING COMMIS SION MIN UTFS October 26, 2005 Page 2 0£ 14 <br />