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d_ PUD-37 Ron Winter <br />Application for a Planned Unit Development to rezone the property from RM-15 to <br />PUD-HDR and to allow the construction of four single-family detached residences and <br />two multi-family residential units at 520 St. John Street_ Zoning for the property is RM- <br />15 (Multiple-Family Residential District and Core Area Overlay District <br />There were no speakers. <br />This item was continued to May 1 1 , 2005. <br />e_ PUD-89-06-2 D. New Plan Excel Realty. 4200 Rosewood Drive <br />Application for PUD design review approval to demolish the existing <br />building 28,500 square feet Galaxy theater building and replace it with a new <br />28,550-square-foot single-story retail building in the Rose Pavilion Shopping Center_ <br />Zoning for the property is PUD-C Planned Unit Development - Commerci alb District. <br />Chairperson Maas advised that she had. a conflict of interest because her business was located in <br />this vicinity; she IeR the dais. <br />Commissioner Arkin presided over this item in Chairperson Maas' place. <br />Ms_ Decker summarized the staff report, and described the layout and new proposed use of the <br />site_ She noted that no changes were proposed for the existing parking lot or the landscaping in <br />the parking lot; in order to meet the LEED criteria, the applicant would replace one of the <br />drainage inlets on the site with a separating fossil filter, which would remove water-borne <br />pollutants from the system. The proposed project meets and exceeds the development standards <br />of the approved site and the PUD, and there is adequate parking_ The architecture is compatible <br />with the surrounding area, and no additional drainage will be created_ The applicant has <br />conformed to, met and exceeded their LEED green building to a Certified Level_ StafF <br />recommended that the Planning Commission take the following actions= Determine the proposed <br />design is consistent with the development standards of the Rose Pavilion, and determine that the <br />proposed architecture is compatible with the existing structures in the development. Staff <br />recommended approval of this item. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Roberts whether a color board was available, <br />Ms. Decker replied that she would display it before the Commission. <br />"THE YUSLiC HEARING WAS OPENED_ <br />Dan Muni?a, 3907 Bellaire, H.o axsion, Texas, property owner, believed. this would be a good use <br />for the City and the property by converting a dark theater project to a viable use. He noted that <br />in-depth structural analyses were performed before it was determined that the building did not <br />need to be demolished. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Arkin regarding public restrooms, <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MIN LJTES April 27, 2005 Page 9 of 73 <br />