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driveway shall be a. temporary access, to be used during the project site iinproveinent <br />until the con~plciion and availability of the standard entrance in the southern corner of-the <br />Jones' property. <br />7 27. The applicant steal I design aimed grade the southern edge of the Jones' property ~i _e., the <br />rears of the new Lots 7, 8, and 9J such that the maximum new grade heights shall not <br />exceed the 336-foot elevation and so there is no greater than a 14-inch n2aximun~ <br />variance in grade elevation from the project's new grade levels to the existing grade <br />levels o» Uze Jones' property. "i7ie resulting grade differentials from the Jones' existing <br />grade to the project's new grades shall be acco~r~modated by retaining walls, placed upon <br />the subject property at the common property lints knot to ex teed 14 inches in depth. <br />Additionally, the low elevation point along the Jones' southern property edge shall be <br />properly drained by a new drainage inlet and new drain piping connected to the Jonas' <br />new drainage piping and ultimately to the project's new stor~r~ drain systeir~, as described <br />in Clondition No. 125 above, and as shown on the attached "New Grading, Landscaping, <br />and 1-Lardscape Plan Detail" plan, dated January ] 1 , 2005. <br />728. The applicant shall reimburse incurred costs caused by any change ti-om the Jones' <br />current legal address X7725 Rose Avenues resulting from the project knot to exceed <br />$ 1 ,000)_ <br />129_ The existing `Western Sycamore' tree on the subj act property aimed other prominent <br />existing trees on the Jones' property, all located adj aeent to the common property line <br />i n~mcdiately northeast of the .Tones' entry gate, shall be protected and saved from damage <br />or destruction by the project improvements by the applicant. <br />7 30. At the discretion of the Planning Uirec"tor, [ urther finish grading touchup by the applicant <br />on the Jones' property northeast of the fill area betwecu Calico La.~ze and the Arroyo Del <br />Valle may be required to reshape the existing grades to slope better towards the Arroyo. <br />Said work shall not require or include any import or export of fill, and the Tones shall be <br />responsi ble to remove or relocate any obstacles in the area to be regraded, as need ed_ <br />~C 'orrelilions Y~lett~d to the, AZ[e-Yi FumiZy ~z~~t-~wna~z[.r vier Zati~r:) <br />131. "I'he applicant shall place clean, engineered till material to the same standards as the <br />project at the boundary of the property located at ] 85l Rose Avenue <br />~AYN 946-3479-007 in order to i2leel existing grades 71ic grade differential between the <br />p ropertics shall be accommodated by tapering a 2. 1-sloped till not to exceed three <br />feet <3'O"~ in height nor exceed six feet X6'0"~ iii length. <br />132. The applicant shall be required to repair or replace in kind any datr~ages to the adjacent <br />property or its existing conditions resulting from the fill material placed between <br />7 851 Rosa Avenue ~APN 946-_3479-007 the prgjcct_ <br />(wand} <br />18 <br />