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PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF Pi~EASANTON <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />RESOLUTION NO. PC-2005-38 <br />RESOLUTION DENYING THE APPLICATION OF VILAS AND MECrHA "1'HUSE <br />FOR CONDITIONAL USE FERMI"I', AS FILED UNDER CASE PSDR-223 <br />WHEREAS, Vilas and Megha Thuse have applied for conditional use permit to expand <br />the existing Family daycare to operate a large family daycare home <br />~7-14 children at the existing residence located at 5276 Genovesio Drive; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, zoning for the property is PUD-HDR. (Planned Unit Development F-Iigh <br />Density Residential) District; and <br />W1-IEREAS, at its duly noticed public hearing of August 10, 2005, the Planning <br />Commission considered all public testimony, relevant exhibits, and <br />recommendations of the City staff concerning this application; and <br />WHEREAS, proj ccts of this nature are categorically exempt $om the requirements of <br />the California Environmental Quality Act ~CEQA~. <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission determined that the conditional use permit <br />findings could not be made due to the high density of the area; the site is <br />not asingle-family-residential-zoned lot but a smaller lot zoned <br />PUD-High Density Residential; the use would generate more trafi-ic; the <br />site is on a narrow, long looped private street with a blind corner which <br />would create safety issues; and the nature of the private street creates an <br />enforceability issue with regard to traffic problenis_ <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE PLANNING COMMTSSION OF 'I"HE CITY OF <br />PLEASANTON RESOLVES THE FOLLOWING= <br />Section 1 . Denies Case PDUP-8, the application of Vilas and Megha Thuse for <br />conditional use permit to expand the existing family daycare to operate a <br />large family daycare home (7-14 children) at the existing residence located <br />at 5276 Cienovesio Drive. <br />S cetion 2. This resolution shall become effective 15 days after its passage and <br />adoption unless appealed prior to that tinie_ <br />