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<br />PLANNING <br /> <br />II. This PUD shall be subject to the site development standards as shown on the <br />following table: <br /> <br />Front Yard 15 feet <br /> East Side: 12 feet for the building; <br />Side Yard 7 feet for the paseo <br /> West Side: 15 feet for the building <br /> 11.5 feet for the paseo <br />Rear Yard 49 feet <br />Building Height 40 feet <br /> <br />12. The applicant shall obtain all required outside agency permits and have them <br />posted at the construction site at all times. No permit shall be allowed to expire <br />and all conditions of each permit are adopted within these conditions of approval. <br />Such outside agencies include: <br />a. CRWQCB SF Bay Region <br />b. US Army Corps of Engineers <br />c. CA Dept ofFish & Game, Permit 401 Streambed Alteration Agreement <br /> <br />13. The applicant/developer shall include all recommendations provided for tree <br />protection, preservation and/or removal in accordance with the HortScience Tree <br />Report, dated "Received September 20,2005." No tree trimming or pruning other <br />than that specified in the tree report shall occur. The applicant shall arrange for <br />the horticultural consultant to conduct a field inspection prior to issuance of <br />demolition and grading permits to ensure that all recommendations have been <br />properly implemented. The consultant shall certify in writing that such <br />recommendations have been followed for trees on the subject site. <br /> <br />The applicant/developer shall be required to mitigate by planting two trees for <br />each removed tree and pay the appraised value of the removed trees. The specific <br />compensation amount shall be determined by the Planning Director based on the <br />appraised value of these trees from HortScience, Inc. <br /> <br />14. A final map shall be recorded for the project prior to the issuance of certificate of <br />occupancy. Additionally, a Department of Real Estate report is required prior to <br />the issuance of any certificate of occupancy. <br /> <br />15. Fencing and retaining walls shall b~ as shown on Exhibit A or as approved by the <br />Planning Director. <br /> <br />3 <br />