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<br />Attachment I <br /> <br />AMENDMENT #1 <br />AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT WITH PONDEROSA HOMES II, Inc. <br /> <br />THIS AMENDMENT TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT. <br />(" Agreernent") was originally executed on , 2004, is rnade and entered into <br />this day of October 2004, by and between the City of Pleasanton, a <br />municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Ponderosa Homes II, <br />Inc., a California Corporation (hereinafter referred to as ""Owner"). <br /> <br />WITNESSTH: <br /> <br />A. Owner and City desire to execute this Amendment #1 to the Agreement in <br />order to allow for the application of Inclusionary Unit Credits (lUC's) in accordance <br />with the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the rnutual covenants, agreements and <br />conditions contained herein, City and Owner agree as follows: <br /> <br />Section 1: The Agreement is hereby amended to include the following: <br /> <br />Section 11 shall read as follows: <br /> <br />Section 11. "Eight-seven (87) of the 138 Affordable Units shall be deemed <br />to meet the full requirements of the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance <br />for the 363 units approved for the development. If the Owner develops <br />additional units on the property identified in Exhibit B (the Exhibit B <br />property) [the 23-acre site optioned to the Pleasanton Unified School <br />District], fifty-one (51) of the 138 Affordable Units may be applied as <br />Inclusionary Unit Credits (IUC's) to that development to meet the <br />requirements of the City's Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance; provided <br />however, said development is by Owner, or by a subsidiary of the Owner <br />whose majority ownership is held by Owner or by its Chairman, Kile <br />Morgan, Ir. In no event shall the total IUC's for units developed on the <br />Exhibit B property exceed more than fifty-one (51) units. <br /> <br />The use of the IDC's is subject to the following terms: <br /> <br />. The IUC's will have a term of five years commencing from the date the PUSD <br />either closes escrow or terminates its option on the Exhibit B property. <br /> <br />. The IUC's may be used only on the Exhibit B property. <br /> <br />Page I of2 <br />