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SR 06:052
City of Pleasanton
SR 06:052
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SR 06:052
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<br />ATTACHMENT 2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />WISER SWt;t;NEY <br /> <br />September 23, 2005 <br /> <br />Mr. Nelson Fialho <br />City Manager <br />City of Pleasanton <br />P.O. Box 520 <br />Pleasanton. CA 94566 <br /> <br />RE: Affordable Housing Credits <br /> <br />Dear Nelson: <br /> <br />Thank you again for taking the time to meet with Kile Morgan and me to discuss the continuing confusion around the City <br />Council approval on November 2, 2004. ofInclusionary Unit Credits ("IUC's') in connection with our In-unit senior <br />apartment development. Since December 2004, your Staff and Ponderosa have tried to clarify exactly what the Council <br />approved on that night. <br /> <br />Ponderosa Homes and the City of Pleasanton have a clear understanding of some of the Conditions of Approval granting <br />Ponderosa Homes ("Ponderosa") 51 IUC's. <br /> <br />. The lUC's can be used only by Ponderosa Homes or a subsidiary owned by a majority of Ponderosa or exclusively by its <br />Chairman, Kile Morgan, Jr" and cannot otherwise be transferred. <br /> <br />. The priority is to use the IUC's on the 23-acre Busch site currently under option with the Pleasanton Unified School <br />District ("PUSD Option Site"). If the School District does not exercise their option to purchase, Ponderosa would build a <br />housing development on the property and would utilize its credits (or a portion of its credits) to satisfy its affordable <br />housing obligations. Ponderosa may request the use of its credits on an alternate site in Pleasanton. Should Ponderosa <br />propose to use the lUC's on a site other than the PUSD Option Site, that approval would be subject to a City Council <br />vote. <br /> <br />. The use of the IUC's would be subject to the following ratios: <br />If used on a multi-family development: I IUC for each affordable unit required. <br />If used for a condo Itownhome: 1.5 lUC's for each affordable unit required. <br />If used for a senior housing single-family unit: 1.5 lUC's for each affordable unit required. <br />If used for single-family market-rate housing: 2 IUC's for each affordable unit required. <br /> <br />The issues on which we do not agree with Staff's interpretation of the November 2nd Staff Report, the discussion of the item at <br />the City Council meeting, and the subsequent City Council vote. are the term of the lUC's and the percentage of Affordable <br />Units required on the PUSD Option Site. <br /> <br />The issue of credits is very complicated and can be confusing. In order to make certain that City Council members understood <br />our request, we met (or talked to) each member individually prior to the public hearing on November 2, 2004. Although we <br />didn't ask for. and the councilmembers didn't offer, their opinion of our request prior to the public hearing, there is no doubt <br />that they understood our position. If the present City Council members could take the time to re~!he [)VD of thLI'!9..vember <br />2,2004 meeting. we believe that they would conclude that Staff's explanation at the M'i'lvemlier-2 meeting of the City's <br />position regarding the term uf dll; IUC';) amrt1'lei'eqUlred level of affordability on the PUSD Option Site is consistent with <br />what we requested at the podium that evening and the City Council vote. <br /> <br />We requested. and the City Council granted us. a term of 5 years commencing from the date the PUSD either closes escrow or <br />terminates it option on the PUSD Option Site and we can point to paragraphs in the Staff Report that support our position. <br />Staff's position is that we have 5 years from the City Council approval to request the use of Credits on sites other than the <br />PUSD Option Site and as to the PUSD Option Site, we have 5 years from the date the PUSD either closes escrow or terminates <br />it option. In order for us to get the benefit of the bargain that we made with the City, the term must be structured to allow us to <br />request the use of the Credits on sites other than the PUSD Option Site or to use them on the PUSD Option Site itself for a 5 <br /> <br />6200 St(JIleridge Mall Road, Suite 120, Pleasanton, California 94588 . 925227-7800 925460-3740 <br />
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