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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />Heinrich Fischer sublnitted an application ror a modification to an approved Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) to allo'N a retractable canvas a'Nning installed to the rear ra~ade or <br />the existing home. As originally approved, the uses and site development stand~rds orthe <br />paired single-rarnily residential portion or the Charter Oaks Development 'Nere .those or <br />the RM-4000 District. On July 28, 1988, the City approved a minor modification to the <br />PUD revising the site development standards lor the cOlnplex to allo'N construction 01 <br />decks, accessory structures, and patio covers closer than the approved RM-4000 devel- <br />opment standards. The revised standards, .'Nhich are similar to those approved ror other <br />small lot subdivisions located in the City, do not allo'N "architectural projections such as <br />a'Nnings, eaves, etc." <br /> <br />Due. to opposition to the a'Nning from both a neighbor and the Rosepark Homeo'Nners <br />Association (BOA). stall has elevated the application from a minor modification to a ma- <br />jor modification to the PUD. As 'Nith all PUD major Inodifications, this application is <br />subject to revie'N and recomlnendation by the Planning Commission and to revie'N and <br />final action by the City Council. <br /> <br />SITE DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />The subject site is an approximately 4,73 I square-foot lot located on Poppybank Court <br />'Nith a rOllghly 1,772 squm'e-foot rear yard area. The site is bordered on all sides by <br />paired single-t'cllnily residential properties (please rerer to the location map). . <br /> <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />The applicant requests a n-.odification to the Charter Oaks Paired Single-Family PUD to <br />allo'N a retractable green canvas a'Nning at the rear lac;:ade 01 an existing home. The can- <br />vas a'Nning. 'Nhen tully extended, is approximately 7 leet 9 inches (7' 9") high, II leet 3 <br />inches (I I' 3 ") '\vide and 9 reet 2 inches (9' 2") long. At rull extension it retains an ap- <br />proximately 15 leet 4 inches (15' 4") rear yard setback and an approximately 0' side yard <br />setback to the zero-lot property line. Please refer to the site plans in Exhibit A. <br /> <br />ANAL VSIS <br /> <br />As adopted. the site standards for the paired single-family residential units 'Nere those 01 <br />RM-4000 District. On July 28, 1988. the City approved a PUD minor modification <br />(PUD-85-1-3M) that I'evised the accessory structure site development standards lor the <br />cOlnplex to accon-.lnodate the paralneters 01 the zero-lot line develoPlnent. The modified <br />standards allo'N decks. terraces. and detached and attached patio covers to be constructed <br />to the property line (0' setback) on one side property line and 'Nith a 3-loot setback on the <br />other side property line. The Inodified site developlnent standards do not allo'N, "Archi- <br />tectural projections slIch as a'\vnings, eaves, etc,'- Stall surrnises that the preclusion of <br />a'\vnings Inay have been related to the prohibition of architectural projections rather than <br /> <br />Item 6.".. PUD-85-0/--I/l4 <br /> <br />j>llge 2 i?15 <br /> <br />October 26, 2005 <br />