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<br />recornmended by the USDA, and if not, subject to revie", and reconsideration by the <br />Planning Directoro <br /> <br />Approval Process <br /> <br />Staff proposes a ITlinisterial approval subject to ITleeting the above-listed standards. An applicant <br />~ould be required to provide staff ",ith adequate infonTlation confinTling the standards ~ould be <br />ITleto InfonTlation required to be sublTlitted ",ould include a plot plan, details of the coop, <br />location, distance from neighbors ~indo~s, and the distance from the property lines to the coop, <br />etco <br /> <br />Staff is not proposing a process ~hereby applicants requesting ITlOre than six chickens could <br />apply for a conditional use penTlit. This is based on the Planning COITlmission' s actions on the <br />recent use penTlits ",hich seelTled to detenTline that a liITlited nUITlber of chickens in a residential <br />district ",ould be cOITlpatible ~ith a neighborhoodo Furthermore, one of the goals seelTled to be <br />avoiding a public hearing process yet retaining performance standards for keeping chickenso <br />Ho",ever, other options ~ould include increasing the nUITlber of chickens that ",ould be a <br />penTlitted use or allo~ing ITlOre than six chickens subject to approval of a conditional use penTlito <br />Based on the preceding discussion, staff is not reCOITlITlending those alternatives, <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> <br />On DeCelTlber 14,2005, the Planning Commission revie~ed the proposed project. Bya <br />5-to-0 vote (Arkin absent), the Planning COITlITlission reCOITlITlended approval of'the proposed <br />Code alTlendlTlent to allo", six or fe~er hens as a penTlitted use if certain criteria are ITleto <br /> <br />The Planning COITlITlission had concerns about Avian Influenza related to the keeping of' <br />chickens in a residential district. There ",as discussion about the current procedures in place for <br />examination and vaccination of chickens both locally and in the United Stateso Staff provided <br />information to the Planning COITlmission discussing Avian Influenza (AttachlTlent 4)0 Local <br />authorities indicate that basic anilTlal husbandry practices should be ilTlplelTlented ~hich ~ill <br />likely forestall the concerns related to spread of the disease. Additionally, the issue of'species <br />cross over is considered generally unlikely in this area in that the cause is a result of hUITlanS <br />being in very close contact ",ith chickens, ~hich is a lifestyle and cleanliness issueo This <br />lifestyle is atypical ~ithin the UoSo and ITlOre particularly in the City of Pleasant on, StafThad <br />reCOITlITlended the Planning COITlITlission add an ordinance standard reflecting these concerns, <br />~hich has been included in the attached Exhibit Ao <br /> <br />Other concerns included a discussion of'ho", ITlany chickens is an appropriate nUITlber, ~hat <br />~ould be the process if SOlTleOne ~ished to have ITlOre than the penTlitted nUITlber of' chickens if' <br />the Code amendment ",ere adopted, and finally, if it ",ere appropriate to include the keeping of <br />capons (altered male chickens)o <br /> <br />SR06:015 <br />Page 5 of' 7 <br />