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<br />Because chickens cannot fly, they are subject to being the prey of other anirnalso <br />Their basic defense is their ability to flap their vvings, vvhich enables theln to reach a <br />height of tvvo to four feet above ground for a short duration of tirne vvhich lnay at <br />tilnes create an unusual noise. <br /> <br />Lire Soan <br /> <br />The expected life span of a chicken is generally anticipated to be froln five to ten <br />years and sOlnetilnes up to 15 years as long as conditions are optilnal. The actual life <br />span lnay be shortened considerably depending on environlnental conditions or diet. <br /> <br />Proposed Standards <br /> <br />Staff proposes the follovving standards be required to be lnet as a part of the alnended <br />Codeo The keeping of chickens in confonnance vvith these standards vvould then be a <br />permitted use in R-l Districts 0 The proposed standards generally reflect the conditions <br />the Planning COlnlnission utilized during the lnost recent conditional use pennit <br />approvals: <br />ao A lnaxilnuln of four chickens vvould be pennitted in the R-l districts 0 <br /> <br />bo Male chickens (roosters) shall not be kepto <br /> <br />Co A coop shall be lnaintained that provides clean shelter, protection from <br />~eather, and perches and nesting boxeso The coop shall be provided vvith <br />adequate siding to lnitigate sound ilnpacts. Wire lnesh shall be provided to <br />ensure air-flovv through the coop on portions of the sides of the structure. The <br />coop shall be constructed above ground. Stravv or vvoodchips shall be provided <br />belovv the coopo <br /> <br />do The coop shall be located as far as possible froln all neighbors' backyard <br />activities and froln all neighbors' vvindovvso <br /> <br />e. The area shall be lnaintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all tilnes and <br />all anilnal vvaste shall be disposed of in a sanitary lnanner. <br /> <br />f. The chickens lnust be kept in an enclosed fenced backyard area at all tilnes and <br />shall not be allovved to rOaln freely vvithin the neighborhoodo <br /> <br />Approval Process <br /> <br />Staff proposes a ministerial approval subject to lneeting the above-listed standardso An <br />applicant vvould be required to provide staff vvith adequate infonnation confinning the <br />standards vvould be lneto Infonnation required to be sublnitted vvould include a plot plan, <br /> <br />Case No, PRZ-30 <br /> <br />Planning Commission <br /> <br />Page - 4 - <br />