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<br />In respcn"" to a.r1 inql.-l.iry by Commissioner Sulliva1"1" 1"v'1s. Nerlal'1d replied that the <br />vineyard conservation easement vvas kept il'1 perpetuity. rrh.c general forlT1 ofth.c <br />easen:1Cl"1t vvas approved through Lhe Plal""l.ning Comn::1issiol"1 a1"1d City COl.-u'1cil tl''1 t11e <br />Specific Plan. The City understood that tl"1e property ovvner vvould sign th.e easen'l.ent,. an.d <br />it vvas assl_uT1ed that vvould be l'v1:ardel vvitl"1 tl'1e CCH'1Veyance. Th..e C::ity vvill not let the Pinal <br />I\./1ap record l...lT1less the conservation easement is il""l. place. <br /> <br />I'\.I1ary Roberts,. 1666 Vineyard Avenue" expressed C01"1Cern. vvith th.e pot:elTtiall'1oise <br />impacts rrorn construction_ Sl'1e did not vval1t tl-:te construction to continue unnecessarily <br />for ITlany years" and l'1oped tl-:tat cOI"1stru.ction o-t-the l,ou.scs ,-",auld begin by ncxt SUITlIT1er_ <br />She did not have aI1Y problems vvith the planned project" and believed the desig.n o:t-tl'1e <br />houses vvas fine. SI"1e noted that n,ost o-t- the houses vvere lovver tl'1al'1 the trail al'1d set back. <br />by the conservation easement. <br /> <br />Commissioner :rv1aas l"1otcd that the condi tions took care of any placement o:t- the l"1ouses il'1 <br />sensitive sites. She vvished 1.0 co:n:firn""l. that the setbacks V\Tould be adhered to and that the <br />only changes vvere the building desigl"1,. the appcarance of the houses,. the updating oft11e <br />greel"1 building conditions,. and the maintenance o:f- the common areas_ <br /> <br />lV1r_ Iserson confirmed that all the standards vvere the same., and that tl""1e conditiol""l.S vvere <br />du.plicat:ed. <br /> <br />Pat Costanzo con-t.rmed tl'1at the pun modi:tlcation vvas subject to lVlardel"s purcl'1ase of <br />tl'1e property., and that if they did not buy th.e property,. nothil""l.g vvol..1.1d change. I-Ie noted <br />that tl"1cre vvas a dif-Terent il"1terpretation of J"\/1ardel" s contract ,-",ith the Hahncrs" and it <br />sl'1ould 1'10t aEf:ect the Planning Con'1mission" s decisicn-:t. <br /> <br />TI-IE PUBLIC IIEARIN<:;; VV AS CLOSED. <br /> <br />TI-IE PUBLIC IIEARIN<:;; VV AS I~EOI>ENED. <br /> <br />Don Ruthroff., Dahlin Group,. believed that: the pitcl'1 of the roofs IT1et the spirit of the <br />Specific Plan_ 'rhey requested a redl..1.ction of the ITlain roof to keep tl'1e overalllT1uss orth.e <br />roof lo'-"'er_ <br /> <br />In. response to an inquiry by Chairperson A.rki:n regardil"1g public requests for creating <br />more storage in the roofs. Mr. RuthrofTreplied that vvas the builders' choice. The trusses <br />vvould need to be designed for a heavier load in that: case_ <br /> <br />TIIE PUBLIC I-IEARING VV AS CLOSED. <br /> <br />C::CHTlmissiol-:tCT :rv1:aas belie-vedthe desigl""l. vvas acceptable,. and that she: could support iL 11"1 <br />addition" she agreed vvith the maintenance associat:ion_ She vvould like to get n:.-:tore <br />information on the green building aspects of the project. <br /> <br />PLA~ING COlVllVlISSION JVIINUTES Scp1:en.ber 24, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br />