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<br />7. <br /> <br />JVl:ATTER.S I~ITIATED B"Y C<>IVI!VI:ISSI<:>~ JVIE!VI:BER.S <br /> <br />For the General Plm'1 Update :n""l.eeting~ C:omrnissiol""1cr Roberts requested tl'1at p"L1-blic <br />speakers identify themselves", vvh.o they represen.t,. and state vvhetl"1cr they have attcl"1ded <br />any otl'1er ITl..cet-il-:tg" especially if'they l'1ave spoken. CH--:1 Ul."1 issue l--,efore_ <br /> <br />C::hairpcrson .Arkin suggested that t.he at the Tra:tT1c C-:ornmittee I-:l-:tcetil"1gs be <br />recorded into accurate minutes. I-Ie noted that Fox had d01'1C a very good job <br />recording minutes of a.r1other mcetil'1g. <br /> <br />Chairperson ~rkin V\Tould like initiate a City policy vvhere all of-rIcial IT1eetings vvere <br />memorialized in summary minutes. <br /> <br />l'v1r_ G-rubstick conc-urred vvith Chairpersorl Arkin"s suggestion_ <br /> <br />1\.!lS. Nerland noted that Cl"1airperson Arkin c01...dd request that the .P'lannil-:tg COIT'llT1ission <br />consider a reCOIT1ll""lendation to City Council; if there vvas interest,. it n""lay be placed on. the <br />l'1ext agenda for discussion_ <br /> <br />lVIr_ G-rubstick believed that it vvould be good policy :tor the directors to direct the <br />IT1al""1agers to ensure that notes be tal<-en at public and 1'1eighborl'1ood meetings" and then <br />distributed. He vvould discuss that item V\1ith tl""l.e Public 'A7orks Departn,ent,. and vvcyu.ld <br />f'C>110vv up at_the next Plam'1ing Con'1rnission. meeting_ <br /> <br />In. response to an inquiry Con--:1missioner Sullivan" 1'v1r. lscrson noted th..ut C:alif:ornia <br />Splash l"" held a neighborl'1ood rneeting." but had not discussed it vovith staf:'T-_ <br /> <br />8. !VI:ATTER.S F<:>R. C<:>JVlJVI:ISSI<:>~'S R.EVIEVV/ACTI<>~ <br /> <br />a. Future Planning Calendar <br /> <br />~rhere vvcre none. <br /> <br />b_ ~ctions of- the City Coun.cil <br /> <br />Tl"1ere vvere n01"1C_ <br /> <br />C. A.CtiOI""l.S o-t~ th.e .Administrator <br /> <br />Tl---..cre """,,,ere I":1CJ.rllC_ <br /> <br />9. <br /> <br />COlVllVlUNICA TIONS <br /> <br />'['here vvere none~ <br /> <br />PLANNTNG COlVllVlISSION lVIINUTES September 24, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 20 <br />