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<br />lV'lanagement Group could not represent the ovvner_ 11'1 addition., the n"1aintenance <br />association had no legal right to represent homeovvners in aI1y vvay", nor can a Bridle <br />Creek homeovvner vvho is a represelltative to that group represelTt: tl""l.el"11. He .l-:tot..ed "that. "this <br />vvas a diFrerent situation tl"'lan Kottingcr" and believed that tl""1C IT1ail'1tcnal""l.Ce association <br />vvas poVV"erless except. :tor ellsUTing that landscaping vvas maintained. <br /> <br />l'v'fr. I'V'lahdavi VV"as concerned about damage to land and vievvs" especially 50 vertical cuts <br />il""1 the hillsides a.r1d the removal of218 heritage trees from the property_ He .noted t:l'1at 70 <br />out of 1 1 I homes -vvere directly in the patl-:t of" cars cornin.g th.roLlgh tl-:te developn'1ent_ He <br />l'1oted that an additional 2,.000 cars per day vovould pass t.hrough due to tl'1e golf course.., <br />Nevov Cities", and Spotor.l-:to. He expressed COI'1Cern about l-:lis cl-:tildrel-:t"'s safety" as vvell as <br />the 300 childrel-:l in. the in""l.rnediate COll""l.I-:lT\..U"" He l'1oted that h..e read tl-:trough every <br />document prior to his closing" and he vvas avvare of a bypass road to the golf course,. <br />Spotorno,. and ~e-vv Cities,. but did not see anything about L..und Ral-:tch II in the <br />disclosure. lIe believed t:he residents vvere deliberately deceived vvith respect to tl""1e <br />disclosures about Lund Ranch 11_ <br /> <br />Theresa and Dan Dilger,. 5213 II""l.dependence Drive,. sublT1itted a speaker slip but vvas 1'10t <br />in atte1-:tdance to speak. <br /> <br />_TalT'leS Frost" 5752 I.-lidden Creek Court.., inquired hoVV" the heritage tree ren""loval vvould be <br />mitigated_ He objected 1:0 the removal of 100-year-old oak trees that. could not be <br />replaced vvithin a liFetime_ He believed that the disclosures vvere deceptive,. al"1d that tl"1e <br />verbal statements dif1:ered from the "VVritten declarations. He believed that litigatiol'1 vvas <br />likely because of those disparities_ <br /> <br />Bob G-otelJi" 900 Sunset Creek Lane" noted that he lives 500 :feet :fi-orn the eastern <br />bOUI-:ldary o:t- Bridle Creek. He noted tl"1at l"1e l"1ad never been told tl"1at 150 l""l.ouses vvould be <br />built at tl"'le LU.l-:td R.anch property_ He noted that the neighborhood streets -vvere narrovov,. <br />and that the resulting noise and pollutiol""l. vvould be excessive. He believed tl-:te project <br />vvould ruin tl'1e integrity of the Bridle C:reek. COn'11T1unity. <br /> <br />Greg Q"Coru"1or. 5750 Hidden Creek Court., echoed tl"'le con'1n'1ents oftl'1e other spcakers.., <br />and noted that l,e had not seen tl'1is development il'1cluded in the disclosure_ I.-Ie had <br />contacted 55 residents on short notice" and only tvvo of- them acknovvledged tl'1at tl'1ey <br />K.l-:te-vv about. LUl-:td Ranch 11_ I--1e n.oted tl"" botl""l. of-those people vvorked vvitl-:t GreeI"'lbriar_ <br />He believed tl"1at i:t- Greenbriar IT1ade aJ.'1 error il'1 tl"1e disclosure dOCl.1T1"1Cnt,., or i:t- tl"1C <br />disclosure vvas buried in the closing papervvork,. no one it-:l t11e sales ofIlce vvas a'\Nare or <br />the project. He opposed t.l-:tis projcct., and did not believc tl"1at incomplctc disclosures <br />should be revvarded vvith approval o:t--tl"1is project_ :I-Ie believed tl"1at alterI"1ative traf-r1c <br />routes through Bridle Creek must be explored ir this project vvere to go lor-vvard. He <br />hoped t:hat the City held the llL1-mber of houses to the original 82 l.1-nits,., and did not V\Tish to <br />see excessive excavation in tl"1e development. He invited the COll'1missiol'1erS to visit tl'1e <br />site" and to see hovv narrovv most of the streets vverc. He noted that Sycamore Creek Lane <br />already l-:tad a problcrn vvith speeding" al""l.d tl"1at problel"1"1 "VVould spread to the srrlallcr <br />streets_ <br /> <br />PLANNING CC>lVIlVIISSIC>N lVIIN~TrES September 24, 2003 <br /> <br />Page 1 5 <br />