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<br />~(~he applica.r1t,. l'V'fike Callahan,. 1354 Galanti Court,. provided overvievv or the <br />development of the vvinery and the proposed project. l-Ie noted that they have cnough <br />brick from t.he original building to complete the proposed buildings. He advised that <br />the nevv vvinery is 54 feet to the top of the cupola" vvhich vvas the height 01 the origirlal <br />vvil"1ery building_ .l-:le stated that buildings have been designed to leave the v.rinery as tl'1e <br />ITlain .focal poin.t as one enters the site. I"v1r. Callahan advised that he is personally pleased <br />vvith the vvay tl"1e tvvo nevv buildings are situated 01'1 the site. He noted that the event <br />center vvould be an important asset t.o the VVil'1Cry,. as their vvine 'VVo"L1.ld be poured at <br />functions held at. the event center. 1\./Ir. Callahan. stated tl"" he has no changes or reql...1.ests <br />after reading the sta-t'f- report al'1d the proposed conditions o-t- approvaL <br /> <br />In response to a qucstion from Commissioner Roberts,. I'\I1r_ Callahan advised that the <br />event center obscures the -vievv of the v.rincry :tor only 30 to 40 feet as you enter the site <br />frOITl Vineyard ~venue,. and then there is a vievv of all three buildings_ <br /> <br />Nir. Callahan stated that from reading the condition,. he understands that the back doors <br />vvill have automatic closing devices_ He noted that they plan to duplicate the front and <br />side doors of the event center like those of tl""l.e vvinery _ He stated that it v.rould be dilTIcult <br />and v.rould detract from the architecture of tl,e doors to install autolT1atic closing devices. <br />He noted that he lives in Ruby Hill and he feels that the easterly vvind vvould diminish <br />outside noises. <br /> <br />Commissioner KalTleny noted that he received a telephone message from l\I1r. Callahan <br />last v.reek and that because he did not have any problems or questions regardiog the <br />project he did not return IVlr_ Callahan."s call_ <br /> <br />C-:on,missioner Roberts noted t11at on the present. b\..1.ilding there are very brigl"1t lights that. <br />do 1"10t appear t.o be ligl"1ting the buildil""l.g. rvtr. Callahan stated that these could be <br />shielded. <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry -trOlT'l Comrn.issioner 1\/faas.., l\!Ir. Callahan described the <br />orientation of the proposed event center to tl'1e vvinery. <br /> <br />Read Phillips,. 170 Lindbergh ~venue,. L."ivermore,. ovvner of'" Beets Catering,. provided <br />background information regarding her business operations_ She shared her visi01""l. for the <br />proposed event center,. notil""l.g that she feels that tl,is vvill be the property that totally <br />connects the vvinery region and makes the -rri-Valley a designation. She noted tl""1at they <br />have never any alcohol-related problems at event.s in the 17 years that she l"" ovvned <br />her con"1pany and the 12 years they have been operating at the Sl"1rine Event.- Cel'1ter_ SI'1e <br />commented that they are extremely careful about the vvay staff is trained al'1d hovv th.ey <br />handle their guests_ <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry fr01--r1 Commissioner Roberts" l\I1s. Phillips stated that they cater <br />at many properties that have neighbors much closer then this locatiol"1 al'1d they have <br />never l"""lad a problem vvitl"""l noise. Sl,e l'1oted that all arnplified IY1usic vvill be inside and <br /> <br />PLAN1'JING COlVllVlISSION lVlINUTES <br /> <br />August 13,2003 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />T. T- <br /> <br />T~...._. <br />