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Mr. Kent Pryor, 3425 Bernal Avenue, noted that he did not have any issues with the park, <br />and wished to comment on parking and traftic_ He disagreed with the cotnmcnt in the <br />report stating that currant users do not park on Stanley Boulevard to avoid the parking <br />fee_ Iic observed. many cars on Stanley Boulevard when the parking lot was not full. On <br />peak days, the cars overflowed into the Stanley Business Park, and noted that the cars got <br />to within 300 feet of his home. He agreed with the analysis presented in the report_ I-Ic <br />expressed concern about the noise and privacy impacts on his residence. He agreed that <br />the project did not add to the peak hour trali-3c, but would like some "down time" from <br />the trafl3c on weekends. <br />Mr. James Pahrier, 3880 Stratford Court, believed that this was an excellent use of fill in <br />land fon~nerly occupied by the quarry. He noted that he worked. as a consultant in the <br />amusement park business, and supported local control of this park by its management_ <br />He hoped that the project would be approved. <br />Ms. Lynn Surbir, 4282 Croce Court, noted that she believed the El Charro Extension <br />would solve many local traffic problems. She noted that her family had attended the <br />water park many times, and believed that it was a positive activity for local kids. She <br />believed the new design would be attractive, and noted that she did not notice the guests <br />at the water park when she walked her dog by the site. She did not think it would create a <br />big impact. <br />Mr. Scott Bchiel, 21 Castledown Road, spoke in support of this item, and recalled several <br />local changes that had been resisted initially, but had become positive aspects of the <br />community. He noted that times, attitudes, and tastes change, and believed that this water <br />park should be updated. He noted that as a business owner, there were limited <br />opportunities for entertaining, and believed this would be a positive addition_ He noted <br />that 5,000 people could be accommodated for Foothill High School football games, and <br />believed that 4,000 people could be accommodated in an entire day. <br />Mr. Derrick Dinelli, 3663 Reflections Drive, noted that he liked the limited nature of <br />what Pleasanton had to offer, and did not believe this was an appropriate addition to the <br />con~munity_ He did not believe the figures cited in the traffic study would be <br />representative once the park was in place, and that trtost of the traii3c would come Iion~ <br />I-580 and I-680. He believed that the advertising would reference the major freeways in <br />giving directions. He expressed concern that the public would use residential <br />ncighbonc~~ods to reach the water park_ <br />Mr. Rob Fisher, 3 162 Half Dome Drive, expressed concern about the noise and trafl3 c, <br />and noted that the 6:30 p.trt. closing time would mitigate their effects. He wanted to <br />ensure that there would not be Fireworks at night He suggested that the CJity control how <br />the directions to the park were advertised. I-Ie believed that the traffic would get worse, <br />even with the El Charro extension. He believed that the noise would affect the neighbors <br />to the south the nzost_ He requested that the applicants build the berm up and build the <br />structures into it, rather than above it_ He suggested that the documents and architectural <br />drawing be posted on the City's website. He did not believe that alcoholic beverages <br />YLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 28, 2003 Page 14 <br />