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RES 05067
City of Pleasanton
RES 05067
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Last modified
12/2/2005 4:45:22 PM
Creation date
12/2/2005 4:40:09 PM
RES 05067
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<br />satisfactorily integrated into the landscape plan. Landscape screens shall include <br />shrubbery designed by species and planting density to establish a complete screen <br />within one year from the date of planting. Weather protection devices such as <br />measures to protect pipes from freezing shall require approval by the Planning <br />Director prior to use; at no time shall fabric or other material not designed and/or <br />intended for this purpose be wrapped around or otherwise placed on these devices. <br />All backflow prevention devices shall be shown on the plans submitted for issuance <br />of building permits together with screening mechanism and/ or weather protection <br />devices. Proposed screening and weather protection devices shall be reviewed for <br />conformity to these requirements and approved by the Planning Director prior to <br />issuance of a building permit. <br /> <br />23. The project developer shall comply with the recommendations of the tree report <br />prepared by HortScience. Inc. dated October 2004. No tree trimming or pruning <br />other than that specified in the tree report shall occur. The project developer shall <br />arrange for the horticultural consultant to conduct a field inspection prior to issuance <br />of grading permit for Phase I to ensure that all recommendations have been properly <br />implemented. The consultant shall certify in writing that such recommendations have <br />been followed. <br /> <br />24. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the project developer shall compensate all <br />heritage-sized trees that need to be removed for the proposed development. The <br />specific compensation amount shall be determined by the Planning Director based on <br />the appraised value of these trees from HortScience, Inc. <br /> <br />25. No trees shall be removed other than those specifically designated for removal on the <br />approved plans or tree report. The project developer may be required to post cash, <br />letter of credit, or other security satisfactory to the Planning Director in the amount of <br />five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each tree required to be preserved, up to a <br />maximum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). This cash bond or security shall <br />be retained for one year following completion of construction and shall be forfeited if <br />the trees are removed, destroyed, or disfigured. For trees that are removed, destroyed, <br />or disfigured during construction, the applicant shall pay a fine in the amount equal to <br />the appraised value of the subject tree. If the fine based on the appraised value of the <br />tree(s) exceeds the bond amount. the applicant shall pay the difference between the <br />bond and the appraised value of the subject tree(s). <br /> <br />26. The project developer shall enter into an agreement with the City. approved by the <br />City Attomey, which guarantees that the landscaping included in this project will be <br />maintained at all times in a manner consistent with the approved landscape plan for <br />this development. Said agreement shall run with the land for the duration of the <br />existence of structure location the subject property. All proposed landscaping shall be <br />irrigated. The site irrigation design shall utilize low-volume drip, bubbler, or other <br />water conserving irrigation systems to maximize water conservation to the greatest <br />extent possible. The irrigation systems shall include a soil moisture, rain sensor, or <br /> <br />4 <br />
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