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<br />Resolution 05-078 <br />Page Two <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on October 4, 2005, at which time the <br />appellant, the applicant, and other members of the public presented evidence <br />regarding this application; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, after a review of the materials presented, the City Council finds that the proposed <br />conditional use is not appropriate for the site for the following reasons: <br /> <br />Paseo Navarro is a horseshoe shaped residential street and the property in <br />question is along the flat end of the horseshoe between two "blind" corners <br />according to the neighbors. Children are brought to/picked up from the daycare <br />primarily by car, usually between 7:00 and 8:30 in the morning and between 4:30 <br />and 6:00 in the afternoon. Evidence in the record and common experience <br />indicate that parents and others bringing children to such facilities are often in a <br />hurry (to get to work, to drop other children off at school, etc.) and do not always <br />observe the speed limit for a residential neighborhood street; violate Vehicle Code <br />provisions by tailgating, making illegal U-turns, leaving cars unoccupied with the <br />engines rnnning and doors open; and do not observe the parking requirements <br />(cars double parked or parked on the wrong side of the street, etc.). In addition to <br />the current Sutton small day care facility, there exists along Paseo Navarro three <br />other small day care facilities which allow up to eight children. <br /> <br />Allowing up to six more children, and at least one employee, at the Sutton site <br />will create additional traffic in a residential neighborhood already burdened by <br />traffic from the Sutton's current day care and the three other existing day care <br />facilities and has the potential to create a traffic hazard in this neighborhood. <br />Moreover, there are no enforceable conditions of approval that would ensure the <br />safety of all persons affected by the proposed use. <br /> <br />Therefore, it would not be in the interest of public safety or welfare to add this <br />incremental traffic to this traffic impacted neighborhood and approving this <br />application would not be consistent with the zoning regulations for the zoning <br />district of the property nor with Chapter 18.124 of the Pleasanton Municipal <br />Code. <br /> <br />In addition, neighbors had expressed concern about the level of noise, especially <br />when the children played outside in the front yard, because the back yard was not <br />available to the daycare children due to the presence of the applicant's pool and <br />spa. <br />