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<br /> Traffic Calming Program to address these neighborhood concerns. From <br /> the Traffic Calming Program eleven recommendations were developed and <br /> they were approved by City Council in July of 2000. <br /> Staff has completed eight of these eleven recommendations. The <br /> remaining three recommendations are: Overlay of Vineyard Avenue with <br /> rubberized asphalt, which is scheduled for Spring of 2004; the installation <br /> of two landscaped median islands on neighborhood streets, and the <br /> incorporation of a Vineyard Corridor landscaping plan in the CIP budget. <br /> At an "After Study" meeting, the Vineyard Corridor residents present <br /> requested that all remaining funds be reallocated towards measures that <br /> would Improve pedestrian safety crossing Vineyard Avenue, slow <br /> Vineyard A venue traffic and thereby reduce traffic generated noise, <br /> improve Touriga Drive egress to Vineyard A venue, reduce cut-through <br /> traffic on Tawny Drive, and add landscaping along the roadway to <br /> improve the aesthetics of the corridor. <br />Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: <br />BACKGROUND <br />In the fall of 1998, the City of Pleasanton received numerous letters and telephone calls <br />regarding Vineyard Avenue east of Bernal Avenue. Residents in the area expressed concerns <br />about increased noise and volume of traffic on Vineyard Avenue, as well as an increase in <br />"cut-through" traffic and speeds on adjacent residential streets. Much of the concern was <br />voiced through the Vineyard Corridor EIR process. <br />At its meeting of June 1, 1999, the Council approved the Vineyard Avenue Corridor Specific <br />Plan and directed staff to initiate the City's Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program for the <br />residential neighborhoods to the west of the Plan area. The Council indicated that the <br />program should also be expanded to consider possible improvements to Vineyard Avenue <br />between Bernal Avenue and Montevino Drive in order to reduce the impacts to Vineyard <br />Avenue traffic on nearby residents. <br />Staff implemented the Traffic Calming Program and held the initial public meeting held on <br />Tuesday, September 9, 1999. On July 11, 2000 City Council approved the following eleven <br />traffic calming measures: <br />X: \ADMIN\PGGS\Council 2005\MEETING 100405\SR 05 276 Attachment1.doc <br />Page 2 <br />