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<br /> PARKING" signs will be installed to improve safety for cyclists and to improve sight distance <br /> for both pedestrians and motorists. <br /> Staff further recommends that the need for additional traffic calming, raised medains or other <br /> traffic control devises be re-evaluated once the major roadway, intersection and traffic signal <br /> construction projects listed previously are completed and traffic patterns re-establish <br /> themselves. Staff investigated the possiblility of creating bulb-outs to narrow the pedestrian <br /> crossing distance, but this option still creates a 74 foot long unprotected crossing distance, <br /> does not appear to calm traffic and does not improve Touriga Drive access to Vineyard <br /> Avenue. Striping Vineyard Avenue with only one westbound lane is relatively inexpensive <br /> and will allow staff to study the effect of this lane configuration. When the roadway is <br /> repaved at the completion of the Bernal A venue bridge and water line projects, all striping will <br /> be eliminated and a more refined sriping plan providing one ot two westbound through lanes <br /> can then be permantently installed. <br /> CONCLUSION: <br /> Vineyard Avenue from Bernal Avenue to Isabel Avenue is designated as a Thoroughfare in the <br /> General Plan. About a dozen minor streets and private driveways will have direct access <br /> Vineyard A venue and a City park and Elementary School will be constructed adjacent to the <br /> roadway. Regional cut-through traffic trying to avoid congestion along Route 84 and 1-580 <br /> impacts vehicular, cyclists and pedestrian safety both along Vineyard Avenue and in adjacent <br /> neighborhoods. The Vineyard Corridor Neighborhood Traffic Calming measures <br /> implemented to date have significantly reduced cut-through traffic along most neighborhood <br /> streets in the corridor except Tawny Drive and the north end of Touriga Drive. Significant <br /> and increasing traffic volumes and related noise along the corridor remain a concern of many <br /> residents. <br /> Several intersection, roadway and traffic signal projects will be built by the City and others <br /> this year that may improve conditions along Vineyard Avenue. Staff will configure these <br /> projects to minimize negative impacts along the Vineyard Corridor. An immediate need exists <br /> to reduce the westbound morning backup and delays caused by the stop sign at Montevino <br /> Drive, and to address pedestrian safety and egress problems at Touriga Drive. To that end, <br /> staff is recommending that a traffic signal be constructed to replace the 4-way stop at the <br /> intersection of Vineyard A venue at Montevino Drive. Staff is also recommending the creation <br /> of a pedestrian refuge island and left turn acceleration lane at the intersection of Touriga Drive <br /> at Vineyard Avenue as an interim measure to be re-evaluated after the other major <br /> construction projects in the area are completed. The restriping of Vineyard Avenue will leave <br /> only one westbound through lane between Montevino Drive and Touriga Drive. <br /> Staff is recommending that the need for additional traffic calming measures along Vineyard <br /> Avenue and in the surrounding neighborhoods, the design of medians and additional <br /> X:\ADMIN\PGGS\Council2005\MEETlNGlOO405\SR 05276 Attachment1.doc <br /> Page 15 <br />