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<br /> Bernal Avenue at Stanley Boulevard and Valley Avenue <br /> The City plans to widen Stanley Boulevard at Bernal Avenue/Valley Avenue this year. The <br /> project creates a third eastbound through lane, a second eastbbound left turn lane, and <br /> reconfigures southbound Valley A venue to provide a third left turn to eastbound Stanley <br /> Boulevard. This project will improve access to eastbound Stanley Boulevard and draw some <br /> traffic away from using Vineyard Avenue. However, the El Charro Road extension to Stanley <br /> Boulevard will also be needed in the future to meet the demand for southbound access to <br /> eastbound Stanley Boulevard with Buildout of the general Plan. <br /> Vineyard A venue at Ruby Hill Boulevard <br /> Signature Homes plans to construct a new traffic signal at the intersection of Vineyard Avenue <br /> at Ruby Hill Boulevard this year. The development was conditioned to build this signal when <br /> state and federal signal warrants were met. Using this signal to control the amount of traffic <br /> entering the Vineyard Corridor from the east during the peak morning commute and school <br /> traffic periods could significantly improve traffic circulation near Neal School and will <br /> improve access to Vineyard Avenue for all residents along the corridor. Metering operations <br /> are not proposed during the evening peak hours and will not affect access to Ruby Hill from <br /> the west. <br /> The morning Level of Service along Stanley Boulevard at Valley A venuelBernal A venue is <br /> forecast to reach LOS F levels under Existing plus Approved development conditions. Staff <br /> expects ever increasing numbers of drivers to begin using the Vineyard Corridor to avoid this <br /> congestion. Existing plus Approved development traffic forecasts show about 850 vehicles an <br /> hour entering the Vineyard Corridor from Isabel Avenue. This situation is already <br /> contributing to the significant traffic backups for westbound traffic at the stop sign at <br /> Montevino Drive. This significant increase in surface street traffic is due to the breakdown of <br /> 1-580 and Route 84 traffic flow during the peak commute hours. Until such time as <br /> improvements are made to return this regional traffic to these state facilities, staff recommends <br /> using signal timing at the intersections of Stanley Boulevard at Valley/Bernal and Vineyard <br /> A venue at Ruby Hill Boulevard to control the amount of traffic entering the City from the east <br /> on surface streets during the morning commute period. This will improve downstream traffic <br /> flow and safety through local neighborhoods and adjacent to local schools. <br /> Vineyard Avenue at Touri2a Drive <br /> Vineyard Avenue at Touriga Drive forms a T intersection with stop sign control for Touriga <br /> Drive traffic. Although conditions at the intersection do not meet either the state or federal <br /> guidelines for the installation of a 3-way stop or traffic signals, it is very difficult to turn left <br /> onto Vineyard Avenue from Touriga Drive during the evening peak commute hours. There is <br /> also a westbound bus stop on the north side of Vinyard Avenue just west of the intersection. <br /> Crosswalk warning signs have been installed at this intersection per the traffic calming plan, <br /> X:\ADMIN\PGGS\CounciI2005\MEETINGlOO405\SR 05276 Attachmentl.doc <br /> Page 13 <br />