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<br /> The City has restriped northbound Bernal A venue at Tawny Drive to eliminate the right turn <br /> only lane and reduce the delay for northbound through traffic. This was recommended in the <br /> traffic calming plan as a way to reduce cut-through traffic using Tawny Drive to access <br /> Vineyard A venue. Staff has observed that the percentage of northbound Bernal A venue traffic <br /> turning right onto Tawny Drive has been reduced. However, overall Bernal Avenue volumes <br /> have increased and many eastbound Vineyard A venue motorists still proceed straight through <br /> the intersection onto Tawny Drive on their way to rejoin Vineyard Avenue via Touriga Drive. <br /> A developer will be constructing a traffic signal at the intersection of Bernal A venue at <br /> Tawny/Vineyard this year. Staff intends to operate this signal with Bernal A venue as the <br /> major through street. Left turn signals will also be installed to facilitate the eastbound left <br /> turn to northbound Bernal A venue movement to encourage drivers to use Bernal A venue to <br /> access East Vineyard Avenue instead of the Tawny Drive to Touriga Drive to East Vineyard <br /> Avenue route. Completeing the Nevada Street extension to First Street should also reduce <br /> traffic volumes on Vineyard Avenue west of Bernal Avenue, and also cut-through traffic using <br /> Tawny Drive to access Vineyard Avenue east of Bernal Avenue. <br /> Vineyard A venue at Bernal Avenue <br /> The City is in the process of widening the Bernal A venue bridge over Arroyo Del Valle. The <br /> original project encouraged traffic to use Vineyard Avenue by more than doubling the capacity <br /> for southbound Bernal Avenue Traffic to turn left onto eastbound Vineyard Avenue. It would <br /> have also increased the capacity for northbound right turns from Bernal A venue to eastbound <br /> Vineyard Avenue. By modifying the striping of the new intersection, staff can encourage <br /> motorists to use Stanley Boulevard instead of Vineyard A venue by incresing northbound <br /> through capacity on Bernal Avenue at Vineyard Avenue and setting the future signal timing to <br /> maintain the existing southbound left turn volume onto Vineyard Avenue. This will be done <br /> by restriping the intersections to provide only one southbound left turn lane, and providing <br /> two northbound through lanes instead of only one through plus a right turn only lane. <br /> X:\ADMIN\PGGS\Council2005\MEETINGl00405\SR 05276 Attachmentl.doc <br /> Page 11 <br />