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<br /> wanted to take the opportunity prior to completion of improvement plans to <br /> review with the Council the proposed roundabout design. <br />Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: <br />BACKGROUND <br />The approved specific plan for the Bernal Development includes the extension of Valley Avenue <br />south of Bernal A venue. The northern portion of the new Valley A venue will have one through <br />lane in each direction and a wide landscaped median. Some of the intersections along Valley <br />Avenue will be typical intersections with left turn pockets and 2-way stop sign control on the side <br />streets and major commercial driveways. Four of the intersections along Valley Avenue are <br />being designed as Traffic Roundabouts with landscaped center islands. <br /> Bernal Develo ment Area Ma - Roundabout Locations <br /> , <br />The approved Bernal specific plan included three roundabouts on the new section of Valley <br />Avenue. To improve overall traffic safety and calm traffic as it enters the residential and <br />commercial area, the design of the roadway has been modified to add a fourth roundabout at the <br />northernmost commercial driveway. <br />SR:Ol: 171 <br />Page 2 <br />