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<br />fastened helmet that meets specified standards. The Police Department recommends that the <br />PMC similarly expressly require that all persons, not just those under the age of 18 years, who <br />ride bicycles at the BMX park wear bicycle helmets. The Police Department also recommends <br />that the PMC require that the helmets be properly fitted and fastened and meet the standards <br />specified in the California Vehicle Code. The ordinance proposed addresses the Police <br />Department's concerns by providing that it is unlawful for a person to ride a bicycle in the BMX <br />park unless the person is wearing a properly fitted and fastened helmet that meets the standards <br />specified in section 21212(a) of the California Vehicle Code. <br />Requirement to Wear Helmets at the Skateboard Park and In-line Skate Park <br />The PMC currently requires that helmets and other safety gear be worn in the City's skateboard <br />park at the Sports Park. The ordinance proposed extends this requirement to the in-line skate <br />facility within the Val Vista Community Park. The ordinance proposed also requires that the <br />helmets be properly fitted and fastened and meet set standards (the same helmet standards in <br />California Vehicle Code section 21212 that are being proposed for bicycle helmets). <br />Deletion of Reference to "Mountain Bike" <br />The terms "bicycle" and "mountain bike" are used in PMC Section There are no <br />other references to "mountain bikes" in the PMC. A mountain bike, as defined by Merriam- <br />Webster OnLine, is an all-terrain bicycle. The ordinance proposed deletes the term "mountain <br />bike" because by definition the term "bicycle" already encompasses "mountain bike". <br />Url!encv Ordinance <br />The Police Department and City Attorney's Office recommend that the ordinance proposed be <br />adopted as an urgency measure in order to provide the Police Department with express authority <br />to immediately enforce the helmet rule to protect the safety of the participants at the skateboard <br />park, in-line skate park and BMX park. <br />FISCAL IMP ACT <br />There is no direct fiscal impact with the adoption of this ordinance. The incidental costs of <br />enforcing this ordinance will, in part, be offset by any revenue collected from fines imposed for <br />violations. <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that the City Council adopt, as an urgency ordinance, the attached ordinance <br />that amends Chapter 13.08 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code to prohibit persons from riding <br />bicycles, skateboards and non-motorized scooters, and from using in-line skates, in designated <br />City's parks and recreation facilities unless they are wearing properly fitted and fastened <br />helmets that meet standards provided in the California Vehicle Code. <br />4 See first complete paragraph on page 2 of this report. <br />SR 05:265 <br />Page 3 of2 <br />