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<br />. . <br /> <br />slurry seal. overlay, or street reconstruction if deemed warranted by <br />the City Engineer. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />115. The project developer's contractor(s) shall obtain an encroachment <br />permit from the City Engineer prior to moving any construction <br />equipment onto the site. <br /> <br />Urban Stormwater Runoff Requirements <br /> <br />116. The project developer shall install a structural control(s), such as <br />oiVwater separator(s), sand filter(s), or approved equal(s) on the site <br />to intercept and pretreat storm water prior to reaching the storm <br />drain. The design, locations, and a schedule for maintaining the <br />separator shall be submitted to the City Engineer/Director of <br />Building Inspection for review and approval prior to issuance of <br />building permits. The structural control shall be cleaned at least <br />twice a year: once immediately prior to October 15 and once in <br />January. The project developer shall enter into a maintenance <br />agreement for the oil/water separator. <br /> <br />117. Bulk construction materials stored outdoors that may contribute to <br />the pollution of storm water runoff shall be covered as required by <br />the City Engineer and/or the Director of Building Inspection. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />118. The project developer shall label all on-site storm drain inlets with <br />the wording, "No Dumping -- Drains to Bay" using City-approved <br />methods and materials. On-site storm drain facilities shall be <br />cleaned a minimum of twice a year as follows: immediately prior to <br />October 15 and once in January. Additional cleaning may be <br />required if found necessary by the City Engineer/Director of <br />Building Inspection. <br /> <br />119. Prior to the commencement of any clearing, grading, or excavation, <br />the project developer shall submit a copy of the State Water <br />Resources Control Board Notice of Intent (NOl) for coverage under <br />the State Construction Storm Water General Permit. <br /> <br />120. All cut and fill slopes shall be revegetated and stabilized after <br />completion of grading before October 15. Hydroseeding shall be <br />accomplished before September 15 and irrigated with a temporary <br />irrigation system to ensure that the grasses are established before <br />October 15. No grading shall occur between October 15 and April <br />15 unless approved erosion control/storm water quality measures are <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Conditions of Approval. PUD-5, Centex Homes' Apperson Ridge <br />Page 30 <br /> <br />June 5. 2001 <br />