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<br />new measures, or change existing measures if there are other, more <br />effective measures, which can feasibly be done. Additionally, the project <br />developer shall work with City staff to prepare a summary report of the <br />effectiveness of implementing the selected components, including, as <br />feasible, the costs and benefits of each component. This report shall be <br />prepared following construction of seventy-five percent (75%) of the <br />project units, with actual energy use data from occupied units, if possible, <br />which shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission for its review. <br /> <br />22. The project developer shall provide to the buyers of the houses <br />covered by this approval, photovoltaic systems as an option. With <br />the building pennit plan set, the project developer shall show the <br />installations for each of the buildings covered by this approval, to <br />the satisfaction of the Planning Director, before issuance of a <br />building pennit. <br /> <br />23. The project developer shall implement the following measures with <br />the construction of the structures covered by this approval so that the <br />owners can install roof-mounted photovoltaic systems in the future: <br /> <br />a. <br /> <br />Electrical conduit and cable shall be installed from the <br />roof/attic areas to the buildings' main electrical panels. <br />Roof trusses shall be "engineered" to handle an additional <br />load of five pounds (5 lbs.) per sq. ft. beyond that anticipated <br />for roofing. <br />An area shall be provided near the electrical panel for the <br />"inverter" required to convert the direct current output from <br />the photovoltaic panels to alternating current. <br />A bi-directional electrical meter shall be installed. <br />The roof shall be designed with built-in attachment points <br />and/or other methods, as determined by the Planning <br />Director, to best allow a simple retrofit of solar panels after <br />the initial construction. <br /> <br />b. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />d. <br /> <br />e. <br /> <br />These measures shall be shown on the building permit plan set <br />submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval before <br />issuance of the first building permit. The project developer shall <br />provide to the future homebuyers the necessary information <br />delineating the means by which photovoltaic panels can be applied <br />to the roofs of the structures covered by this approval. This <br />infonnation shall be submitted to the Director of Planning for review <br />and approval prior to occupancy of the first unit. <br /> <br />Conditions of ApprovaL PUD-S, Centex Homes' Apperson Ridge <br />Page 14 <br /> <br />June 5.2001 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />