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<br />~ <br /> <br />Trees selected to be compatible with back yard use and of an . <br />installed height of 12-15 feet shall be planted along the hinge <br />point of the graded rear yard areas of Lots 1-5 and in the front <br />yards of Lots 12-16, the goal to provide significant, <br />immediate defusing of views of the one-story homes from <br />locations to the east (new Vineyard Avenue, Stanley <br />Boulevard). <br />(4) Trees shall be planted behind Lots 6-10 in the common area, <br />along the lower, westerly side of the Chrisman driveway, and <br />behind homes on Lots II and 13-16 with a goal of providing <br />immediate backdrops to these houses. <br />(5) Large trees shall also be planted between the houses on <br />Lots 1-5 and 12-16 to soften the house edge effect; these shall <br />be located so as to minimally interfere with future <br />homeowner use of side yard areas with the intent being to <br />have these trees remain long term. <br />(6) Shrubs and trees shall be planted within the wildlife corridor <br />created opposite Lots 17-19 which are appropriate to large <br />and small animal passage. <br />(7) Shrubs within the 3: I regraded areas shall be minimized, <br />installed generally only within the wildlife corridor and to . <br />soften' screen retaining walls visible from "A" Street and at <br />project entries. <br />(8) All landscaping designed to have a screening function shall <br />be subject to final review and approval by the Planning <br />Director. Modifications to the final landscape plan may be <br />required by the Planning Director at the time of actual <br />planting in order to ensure that the trees as delivered and <br />planted achieve the screening function desired. <br />(9) The deer cages installed around the initial planting shall be <br />modified to a minimum height of six feet. <br />(10) The shrub, groundcover, and vine species shall be modified to <br />include several native deer-resistant varieties. <br />(II) The final landscape plan shall include additional trees within <br />the homeowners' association buffer zone lying southerly of <br />Lot 6. <br />(12) The wire fence between the Chrisman remainder parcel and <br />the homeowners' association parcel located behind Lots 6-10 <br />shall be extended northerly across the Chrisman driveway and <br />extend downslope to intersect the existing fence along the <br />Berlogar driveway, the final location of which shall be . <br />reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. <br /> <br />JuneS. 2001 <br /> <br />Conditions of Approval. POO-5. Centex Homes' Apperson Ridge <br />Page 8 <br />