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ORD 1792
City of Pleasanton
1701 - 1800
ORD 1792
Entry Properties
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6/30/2023 4:24:24 PM
Creation date
11/17/1999 10:32:50 PM
ORD 1792
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hereto, and may be further clarified from time to time as necessary with future approval by City and <br />Developer. No such operating memoranda shall constitute an amendment to this Agreement <br />requiring public notice or hearing. The City Attomey shall be authorized to make the determination <br />whether a requested clarification may be effectuated pursuant to this Section or whether the <br />requested clarification is of such a character to require an amendment hereto pursuant to <br />Paragraph 8.2 The parties agree that modifications which would be categorized as exempt under <br />the Califomia Environmental Quality Act CCEQA"), or which, after an initial study, the City <br />determines do not require any further environmental review, or do not increase the use, density or <br />intensity or use or the maximum height, bulk, size or architectural styles of proposed buildings may <br />be effectuated through operating memoranda pursuant to this Section. The City Manager may <br />execute any operating memoranda hereunder without City Council action. Landowner's consent to <br />such operating memoranda shall not be required. <br /> <br /> 9. Term of Project Approvals. Pursuant to Califomia Government Code Section <br />66452.6(a), the term of any tentative map and the other Project Approvals shall automatically be <br />extended for the term of this Agreement. <br /> <br /> 10. Annual Review. <br /> <br /> 10. 1 Review Date. The annual review date for this Agreement shall be on the first <br />anniversary of the Effective Date, and each following anniversary. <br /> <br /> 10.2 Annual Review Process. The Director of Planning and Community <br />Development for the City ("Director") shall initiate the annual review by giving to Developer at <br />least thirty (30) days' written notice that the City intends to undertake such review. Developer shall <br />provide evidence of good faith compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement to the <br />Director within thirty (30) days following receipt of the Director's notice. The Director shall <br />review the evidence submitted by Developer and shall, within thirty (30) days following receipt of <br />Developer's evidence, make a recommendation to the City Council either (a) that the City Council <br />find that Developer has demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement or (b)that the City Council find that Developer has not demonstrated good faith <br />compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, setting forth with specificity the basis <br />on which the Director makes his recommendation of a finding of non-compliance. Developer shall <br />provide additional evidence as and when reasonably determined necessary by the Director. <br /> <br /> 10.3 Consideration by City Council. The Director's recommendation shall be <br />considered by the City Council at a regularly scheduled meeting following the Council's receipt of <br />the Director's recommendation. The Developer shall be given full opportunity to present its <br />evidence of good faith compliance with the terms of this Agreement. <br /> <br /> 10.4 Determination. If the City Council finds and determines that the Developer <br />has complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of this Agreement during the period under <br />review, the review for that period shall be concluded. If the City Council finds and determines, on <br /> <br /> -9 - 10/21/99 <br /> <br /> <br />
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