<br />~ow the lowest fixture on the line. frown theme. in building, and.the room in wb
<br />All air 13ipes shall be run of undiminished size, sop- Lures are lecate, d iS not ~c, nnected with the
<br />arately or combined, to one foot above roof, and left ing, then the fixtU~'e or fixtures, trap or
<br />open, sr they may connect with the soil pipe vent, all t:o~ be vented.
<br />h~ cornp!iance with these rules, and maintaining the Sec. 28. No soil or vent pipe shall ter:
<br />three feet above the floor level of the fixtures served point within twelve feet of the bottom of
<br />ruleg. ~i~tclow or house or house tank or main
<br />In no case shall a vent pipe serving any fix{ure in- When fixtures are located within kitclam
<br />tersect with a main or branch vent at a point of inter- an~i similar, or widen a root is used {or ya~
<br />section less than three feet above the floor level of the or when an o'~ening in the man building, ~
<br />fixture or fixtures served. cO, then the 12-foot limit as pertains to
<br />No branch vent shall be longer than 29 feet. of vent gases shall be enforced, and the ve
<br />~ec. 27. Excepting water closets coming under either extended beyond the 12-.ft. limit, or c
<br />paragraph 5, Section 25, water closets, basins, baths er or, as the case may demand; bu+ when it is
<br />L~ny other fixture located either within the bui]din~ ~:.' able to otherwise prevent gases entering tl
<br />upon any portion of the premises (excepting as provided then the vent's end shall be carried to a part
<br />~?er yard fixtures,) if the soil pipe drop does not exceed one foot above the limit of the main roof.
<br />ten (!0) feet may be vented by a 2-inch vent pipe fo:' foot above the limit o~ the roof.
<br />a distance of 35 feet when the vent is longer than 35 Sec. 29. NO CAPS OR COWLS. ETC.
<br />feet, then the enth'e vent shall be 2 1-2 inches until tical soil, waste and vent pipe (unless ot2
<br />ihe distance of 60 feet is reached, when it shall be in- vided for) must extend iull bore to a pc
<br />creased to 3 inches to a finish. than one foot above the ~,ighest line of ro,
<br />In all cases where the soil pipe has a drop greate,' and be continued to a point at least twelx
<br />than 10 feet, then the soil pipe shall be continued full from any opening of the house or of an adj
<br />bore to a point one foot above the roof and act as a vent ing.
<br />pipe. No caps or cowls shall be fixed to the
<br />In each and every building to be used as a resi- ventilating pipe, though a strong wire ba~
<br />dence or otherwise, and where a water closet or closets affixed.
<br />i~ or are situated, either within the building or outshoe S.ec. 30. No traps shall be placed at
<br />of the building, but connected therewith, it shall be ,'e- any vertical soil or waste pipe.
<br />quiteft, in any and all cases, that at least one 4-inc'a
<br />vent pipe shall be continued to a point one foot above Excepting as provided for in these rul~
<br />the roof line and this irrespective of the location of the ing traps are prohibited. No fixture shall h:
<br />closet, or closets, or drop. 2 inch water seal.
<br />In all cases where vents branch into one another, the A range of closets, or a range of uri
<br />branch fittings must not be less than three feet above served by one trap, provided the arrange~
<br />the floor level of the fixture or fixtures se~ed. receives th~ approval of the Sanitary Insp~
<br />Where by architectural conditions it is not practic- Sec. 3]. SLOP HOPPERS AND SCULL
<br />able to comply strictly with these rules, and venting has Slop hoppers and scullery sinks,. ~vhen set
<br />to be done under the floor, and the available space i~ must be connected to a waste pipe with ]e~
<br />li~ited, then all rules shall be complied with as nearly on to a brass ferrule, the same to be caulke,
<br />as practicable. lead; or they may be connected with an
<br />~When a fixture or fixtures is or are located in a 6r brass connection.
<br /> N~ ~lop hoppers allowed inside any
<br />yard, and it or they is or are twelve (12) or more feet . ~ .
<br />
<br /> 11S 119
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