<br />ti~r,~!r~f, xhaH ?,:~ i.~L:ti~,hcd By a line of not le~s than t,'i;:e enH'y to and ut~ou the proanises of the of[ending
<br />Deists ($~.00~ m,r mo~e ti~a..t !,'ifteen i~o~]~.trs ~,;,2~.~,~ See. 15. Any person who, after being notfife
<br />or by iillpri~;c~i:;~te:.~ nc~t e~:ce(diBg so,on cl~:ls, ~;~ ;,y ~,,~: Tow~ Marshal, shall fail, neglect or refuse, wi
<br />such f{lle ~H!~ iZ~tpz'i:=,Olll!i.~d;~. days after recoil'inS such notifiesAds, to abate
<br /> ~cc. 12. V..:~ z!.~.~t c!~e 'i'o~,,n ~:ar ~1::1 ~h~ll I'ec~e sauce on his pl. eInises, or maintainted by him w
<br />tBCOrnl~LLiCB, i>5 ~>::-'rcaLioll or ot~iel'~;}~:, cl;~t~ Li~.. c~:r- torporate liBills of the Tows of Fte~sa~toB,
<br />eggs of ally d~,~,2 ~t1~itt~ai ~xigL3 wi.bin ~he ,~o~i,~r~e l:m- a violaion of this Ordinance' and upon convict
<br />Its of tim Towd, :~n~ tim ov,,n~rs arc ~n~:~ov::L ~o ~}]~:~ll ~B~ o~ gBikty thereof, shall be ~nsd in the
<br />forthwith pruc~sd t~ ,:nose ~:e same ~o b~ rtm<~vefI and Dollars ($10.OC) and costs, wt~ich costs shall i~
<br />buried, and for sr.c.H service ~lmll rcc::i,e s~ch comport- actual expenses incurred by the TOWS Marshal
<br />sation as tl'.e Boa~d oB Trus.ees may ~fret.~. ins such nuisance, or in cas~ said line is adz p
<br />See. 14. Any person or. firm who knowisgiy offers be imprisoned for one day for such Two Della
<br />for sale or oIberwise d~sposes or any article of food, and costs, and after the tinge spzeit[el in
<br />drink, drog or meGieine, knowing the same has b<~come shall have c~xpired, the Marshal shall forthwit'
<br />tainted, decayed or c~thcrwise unwholesome, or unfit to to aba.te such ~misance.
<br />be ea.ten or drank. ~.iCh intent to permit the same to See. 16. Any person who wilfullY races,
<br />~e eateu or drank. is guilty of a violation of Section 13 drix'es amy horse, horses or other animals up.on
<br />of th~s Ordinance, and upon conviction or a plea of guiHy any ef the pubi~e streets or high~aYs of the
<br />~bereof. shall ~e punished by a fine oH not less than Ten pleasanton in a reckless manner, or at any
<br />Dollars ($10.u0) nor more ,'~ha;n Fifteen Doll:o's rate of speed, is guilty oI ~ ~lolation of See:
<br />($15.00), or by imprisonment not to c~xeeed seven days thi~ Ordinancc~ and upon conviction or a plea
<br />or by both sneh fine and imprisonment. ~aereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less
<br />See. 14. All persons are prohibited from the busine~s Dollars ($5.00), nor more than Ten Dollars
<br />or slaughtering anima!s within the corporate limi:~a ~ or by imprisonment not excee;ding five days
<br />the Town o~ Pleasantore nor s~all any person. firm or such fine and in~prisonlnent.
<br />corpora.lion erect, penstruer or maintain any Ce~D~]f)J. Sec. 1.7. Any person who shall intentions
<br />privy, s.~able, chicken house, pigsty or o{her stru,~::ur~. drive or le~d any of the following u~mad a
<br />which is dangerous to the health, offensive to the wit: Horses, ',{ules, CatZle, Goats, Jacks, Jen'
<br />senses, or in any manner annoying, or o~fensive to any or Swine upon, or along any of the public si
<br />inhabitant of the To~vn with}n forty feet of any publi~ the Town o~ pleasanton, except to cross
<br />sire.el, alley, lane or Dublie square of the Town, richTM the proper place for crossing the same,
<br />nearer .to the tenement, dwelling or other permanent !~- reels, to ent~'r any buildings, bars, gate, all,
<br />habited structure of any person or persons, on any a~- opening upon the adjoix~ing lands, is guilty
<br />joining lot or lots than twenty (20) f~,et. In case any lion of Section ~7 of this Ordinance, and u
<br />such cesspool, privy. pigsty or other offensive structure lion or a plea of guilty thereof, shall be pu
<br />is so e,rected or maln,atnad. the Board of Health o~ the fine of not less than Five~ Dollars ($5.00) no
<br />Town shall fieclare the same to be either ~ private or a Ten Dollars ($10.00) or by imprism~meut
<br />public nuisance. In whleh case .the Town Marshal shall fix~e days or by both such fine add imprison
<br />give writtc.n noliee In +h~ party offending that tfthe nut- See. 18. Any p,~rson who wilfully turns
<br />sauce is not abeted w'ithtn five (5) days after the set- a!low~, ~o r-n at !urge any of the following
<br />vice of said no~ce. the To~n Marshal will remove and reels. to-wit: Horses. Mules. Jacks, Jenn
<br />abs.te the same at the expense of the offender. Sheep, Goats or SvTine owned or kept by
<br />And for the enforcement of this Ordinance, the Town stakes, or ties ~he same for the purpose of I
<br />Marshal, his deputies or assistants are given the right of any of the public streets, alleys, or public
<br />
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