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ORDINANC, E 3~'O. 141 <br /> (Amends Ordinance No. 113, by Adding Two new Sec- <br /> tions to be Known as Se.ctians XIiIa and XIIIb, <br /> Addicted January 11, 1926. <br /> <br /> ORI)INA,~CE NO. <br /> An Ordinance t~egulat.iiag the Cons~n' Improve- <br /> me~, Al~ratio~ l~e~ ~d ~mvel el ~r~. <br /> ~he Town el ]~t~; Prov~n~ ~ ~e i~nee of <br /> Permits Theater, aa Prov~ ~ ~, ~pe~ <br /> Or~nccs or Pm;t~ of O~inaaces ~ C~L~t ~rewith. <br /> and Provfili~ the Pennlty tot the Vlo~t~n ot ~ <br /> Dislens ~ 'reel. <br /> The Board of Trustees of t~e Town of Ple~anton ao <br /> orSaiD as Collows: <br /> Seed:on l. The word "Garage" wherever occurinS in <br /> this Ordinance shall mean a building or any par thereof <br /> In w~hich there shall ~ housed or kept one or more self <br /> ProPelled vehictes, or automobiles, containing inflam- <br /> able liquid ft~r fuel or ~wer. also every ether part of any <br /> such building, and every building ax:tached thereto, <br /> ts not separated from the building or part thereof first <br /> above mentloneO by an unpierced fire wall. The plans <br /> for every garage shall ~e filed with the Chief of ~he Ptre <br /> ~Partmen, t and Bui;lding Inspector and shall be <br /> Proved by them before any use of the garage as such. <br /> See. 2. This Ordinance ts suPPlemental to the Build- <br /> ing Ordinance of the Town of Pleasanton and ts to he <br /> construed to give greater and added Proteflon to health <br /> and safety. <br /> See. 3. For the Pareses of this Ordinance garages <br /> are cla~ed as follows: ' <br /> Class A---Prix,ate garages; <br /> Class B--Public garages. <br /> See. 4. Class A ' A private garage is one In ~hleh <br />there shall be housed or kept not more than three self- <br />Dropoiled vehicles or automobiles. The following regu- <br />lations shall govern the construction and maintenance <br />of all Private garages. <br /> (a) Gasoline Sn excess of five gallons, exclusive of that <br />tn the tanks of vehicles In storage, shall not be kept <br /> <br /> within any private garage. That quax~2ity or less shall <br /> be kep,t only in a five-gallon can aDDroved by the Chief <br /> of the Fire l)~_~partment, and any quautt~y in excess of <br /> five gallons shall be kept only in a tank or tanks, placed <br /> not loss than ~hree feet beneath the surface of the ground <br /> and aDDroved by the Chief of the Fire Department. <br /> (b) No private garage shall be erected nearer than <br /> 15 fee~: to any church, l~ublic building or any other <br /> building of public assemblage, unless the same he con- <br /> structed of brick, concrete or other noncombustible ma- <br /> terial and no private garage shall be erected nearer <br /> than ten t~eet to any building used in whole or in par. t <br /> as a dwelling, unless the seine be constructed of bri~k, <br /> concre2e or otker noncombustible material, or unless <br /> the requirements and provisions ot Section 5 hereof are <br /> coinplied with. <br /> (c) No private garage shall be erected nearer than <br /> 25 feet to the tide 0f any street o~ sidewalk withint]me <br /> Town ot Pleasalatou, unless permission therefor be llrst <br /> obtained from the Board of Trustees of the To~n <br /> Pleasanton. <br /> Sec. 5. A private garage may be located beneath <br /> attached to a dwetIing, provided .the followin$ regula- <br /> tions as ,to its construction are rigidly complled With; <br /> (a) The floor and ceiling construction above the gar- <br /> age when it is located beneath the building, or the roof <br /> when 'the garage. is at,tached to the building, shall he <br /> unpierced and shall have a fire-reslstan.ce of one hour <br /> based upon th~ Standard Specifications for Fire Tests of <br /> Materials and Constructions; <br /> (b) Walls and partitions shall he of .such construc <br /> tton as will moot requirements of the one.hour test as <br /> above specXfied. <br /> (c) All doors and windows with their sash and <br /> frames Shall be of standard fire proof construction and <br /> glazed with wired glass; <br /> (d) Openingc from dwellings into garages shall be <br /> restricted to a single doorway; such openings shall. be <br /> protected by a standard awlnging selbcloslng fire .door <br /> .......... ~ sn~ resistire frame and hardware., No <br /> <br /> <br />