Exhibit,4 - Scope of lVork
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<br />conclusions of the analysis. The impact analysis mitigation measure will reduce the effect of the
<br />will evaluate the extent to which compliance with impact. The level of significance will be identified
<br />applicable City ordinances and policies, State and both before and after mitigation. Because the EIR
<br />or federal laws or other requirements, as well as will be a programmatic document, mitigation
<br />existing and proposed General Plan policies, measures will include performance-based stan-
<br />would reduce impacts, and whether additional dams, if available.
<br />mitigation is needed to reduce impacts to a less-
<br />than-significant level. If the measures would not reduce an impact to an
<br /> insignificant level, the impact would be declared a
<br />The significance of impacts will be based on significant, unavoidable impact. During the find~
<br />thresholds drawn from the CEQA Guidelines; the ings phase, a Statement of Overriding
<br />City's General Plan; other applicable City, re- Considerations would be prepared to demonstrate
<br />gional, State or federal standards; and, where other that the benefits of approving the project out-
<br />standards are unavailable, professional judgment, weigh the significant environmental impacts that
<br />The thresholds wil/ be provided to City staff for cannot be mitigated.
<br />review and comment prior to completion of the
<br />ADEIR. For each impact, the EIR will clearly A description of our approach for each of the en-
<br />identify the level of significance of that impact, vironmental factors to be addressed in the EIR is
<br />Impacts will be classified as significant (S), poten- provided below.
<br />tially significant (PS), less than significant (LTS),
<br />or beneficial 03). Each impact will be enumerated Land Use, Zoning and,4doptedPlans. The Land Use
<br />for easy reference by reviewers of the EIR. section of the EIR will describe the compatibility
<br /> of the proposed land uses and density changes
<br />The cumulative impact analysis will assess the ef- with existing neighboring land use patterns; the
<br />fects of the proposed General Plan Update in potential conversion of open space and agricul-
<br />combination with other projects in the project rural lands; and the creation of nonconforming
<br />"vicinity." We will meet with City staffto identify uses. We will also evaluate the proposed policies
<br />the assumptions for the cumulative assessment, consistency with adopted plans and policies, as
<br />The vicinity will vary depending on the particular they relate to land use. Based on this assessment,
<br />issue. For example, for school impacts, the vicin- measures to improve the project's compatibility
<br />ity would be the affected school district service with nearby land uses and consistency with Gen-
<br />area. For other issues, such as traffic, larger re- eral Plan policies will be recommended. Such
<br />gions would be defined. Since the General Plan is measures may include development policies to
<br />by its nature a cumulative view of future devel- reduce conflicts among neighboring uses; design
<br />opment within the City, the 2030 buildout guidelines concerning massing, heights, visual
<br />population is expected to serve as a reasonable screening, and building orientation; regulations or
<br />growth projection. Information from the Ala- guidelines for clustered development in open
<br />meda County Congestion Management Agency space areas; and suggestion of mixed use devel-
<br />and the Metropolitan Transportation Comrmssion opment performance standards.
<br />will be useful in defining future baseline condi-
<br />tions for traffic, l~isualResources. We will provide a general descrip-
<br /> tion of the City's visual landscape, addressing
<br />For each significant impact, project-specific miti- topography, development patterns, open space
<br />gation measures will be identified, where necessary areas, scenic vistas, and view corridors. This char-
<br />and available. Mitigation measures will be based acterization will be supported with photographs,
<br />as much as possible on compliance with existing particularly of those areas proposed for changes in
<br />City policies, ordinances and implementation pro- land use and density.
<br />cedures. Mitigation measures will be explicitly
<br />defined in terms of their effectiveness, responsible We will evaluate the change in visual character
<br />agency, and whether they are measures proposed that would be expected with new growth in the
<br />as part of the proiect, measures already being im- City, including the potential loss of scenic re-
<br />plemented, or measures to be considered. The sources and the introduction of light and glare.
<br />EIR will describe how implementation of each Specifically, the impact analysis w~l consider the
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<br /> Ci(y of Pleasanton General P]an Update EIR EIP Assodates A-$
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