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PC 10/12/1994
City of Pleasanton
PC 10/12/1994
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PC 10/12/1994
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<br />Responding to Commissioner McGuirk, Mr. Thomas advised that the applicant has made <br />arrangements with the shipping company to make deliveries at a regularly scheduled time. <br /> <br />Commissioner McGuirk commented that he feels it is odd that a large store would be <br />expected to operate without the use of the rear doors for delivery. Mr. Swift advised that the <br />original development plan had no access to the back of the building at all. The existing <br />access was made by a condition of approval for access by the City. <br /> <br />Mr. Levine concluded by saying Mr. Thomas is also opposed to the front door delivery <br />because of its impact on the other tenants in the center. Mr. Levine urged the Commission <br />to view their proposals as very minor modifications with little impact on the neighbors (i.e., <br />deliveries made to the rear door by an electric hand cart), and he feels this proposal is <br />beneficial to all parties--the neighbors, the adjacent businesses, and Color Tile. <br />Commissioners McGuirk and Barker stated for the record that they were contacted by Mr. <br />Thomas by phone. <br /> <br />James Miller, 3633 Camelot Court, is opposed to the unloading activity and the use of hand <br />carts behind the building. He feels California Burgers should not have been approved <br />because of Measure X, and they have become a nuisance with the smoke fumes. He advised <br />that gates were promised at the time of Measure X approval, and they are now just getting <br />installed. Mr. Miller stated there are people behind the buildings at all hours, people <br />sleeping behind the buildings, and noisy parties. Mr. Miller stated the neighbors want peace <br />and quiet behind their homes. <br /> <br />Henry Hatton, 3963 Fairlands Drive, stated the intent of Measure X was that the rear of the <br />building would be landscaped, and that Condition 31 stated there would be public easement <br />for City and/or emergency use. The speaker questioned how delivery activities could be <br />allowed in this area. He also believes that the use of the electric hand cart will cause the <br />asphalt to crack even further than it has already with no traffic on it. Mr. Hatton is also <br />concerned that, if approved, the other tenants will want to use this area for loading purposes, <br />and he is concerned about the noise of the delivery trucks negotiating the area, braking, <br />idling, etc. Mr. Hatton presented signed petitions which retract his neighbors' previous <br />approvals of this project. Mr. Hatton also advised there could be a potential for lead acid <br />poisoning to the neighbors from the recharging of the lead acid battery of the hand cart. <br /> <br />Daniel Campizzi, 3655 Camelot Court, stated his opposition to the application. <br /> <br />Mr. Levine noted the gates were not a condition of approval, they were an oral commitment <br />made by Mr. Thomas, and the gates were installed as of this date. Mr. Levine also clarified <br />that Measure X included a condition stating the City may modify Measure X by adding or <br />changing conditions, providing nothing is done to inhibit or stop the project as intended. <br />Measure X does not preclude the modifications being proposed, the question is whether the <br />modifications are reasonable. There has been a consistent minor use of the rear for <br />deliveries, and Measure X does not state the rear area cannot be used for deliveries. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 8 <br /> <br />October 12, 1994 <br />
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