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<br />~ wants the deeds for the nine lots to disclose the typical activities d potential impacts of the <br />Fairgrounds. He also asked for clarification on the school impact ees. <br /> <br />Mr. Swift explained to the applicants that the school impact fees estimated to be <br />$2.65/sq. ft. The City, school district, and development communi are still trying to reach <br />a final agreement that will make everyone happy. The school dis .ct could adopt the $2.65 <br />figure by State law. <br /> <br />David Jones asked whether they could receive de minimis approval for the Fish and Game <br />Department. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued between Commissioner Michelotti and David Jo es in regard to the <br />setbacks. She would favor at least 20 ft. between houses. Mr. Jo stated that when they <br />did their planning they went by City guidelines. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright questioned the applicant as to which conditio s he is opposed to. <br />David Jones stated he is opposed to Conditions 15, 17, and 19. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Wright's question, Mr. Swift stated th t if the Fairgrounds <br />moves their mobile home park across from the proposed project tha the Fairgrounds also has <br />to pay a pro-rata share of the sewer lines. <br /> <br />Commissioner Michelotti asked Mr. Swift why the Fairgrounds wis to construct a wall on <br />Rose Avenue across from the proposed project. Mr. Swift said the airgrounds wishes to <br />screen their activities from the neighbors and to provide some sound attenuation. The <br />Fairgrounds is concerned that when people move into the proposed omes that they will then <br />be complaining about the Fairground activity. They feel the wall sh uld alleviate this <br />problem. Mr. Swift pointed out that the Commission does not have approve the wall <br />condition. He reiterated that staff has tried very hard to work with e Fairgrounds to work <br />out any negotiations, which began over a year ago. <br /> <br />In response to Chairman Hovingh's question, Mr. Swift stated that e City has no control <br />over what happens in the Fairgrounds, but they do have some contro over water and sewer <br />lines. <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CWSED. <br /> <br />Chairman Hovingh asked staff about approval of the de minimis findi g. Mr. Swift said a <br />de minimis finding is not necessary for this application, but if it is ap roved it could save the <br />applicant as much as $1,500. The de minimis finding would simply tate that no visible <br />wildlife habitat is on the proposed project site. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 1993 <br /> <br />Page 9 <br />