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<br />Item S.c. 1 n n n ani <br />Application for development plan approval for seven custom ho e lots, one existing <br />home, and 43 acres of open space on a 63-acre site located at 1 15 Dublin Canyon <br />Road. Zoning for the property is PUD (Planned Unit Developm nt) _ LDRlRDRlPHS <br />(Low Density Residential/Rural Density Residential/Public Heal and Safety) District. <br />A negative declaration has been prepared for this project and be considered at this <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Continued to 1/13/93. <br /> <br />Item S.d. GP-92-06. Kaiser Center for Technolol!V <br />Application to amend the General Plan from a General and L. ted Industrial General <br />Plan designation to a combined Medium and ffigh Density Resid ntial General Plan <br />designation or any other land use designation deemed appropria e. The subject site is <br />an approximately 62.12 acre portion of a 79.73 +1- acre parcell ted at 6177 Sunol <br />Boulevard, generally the northeast comer of the Sunol Boulevar Interstate-680 <br />Interchange. A negative declaration has been prepared for this roject and will be <br />considered at this hearing. <br /> <br />Continued to 1/13/93. <br /> <br />Item 5.e. RZ-92-4. Citv of Pleasanton <br />Application to amend the City of Pleasanton Municipal Code to reate incentives for <br />property owners to retain and upgrade unreinforced masonry bu dings. <br /> <br />Mr. Swift presented the staff report recommending approval of Case RZ-92-4 subject to the <br />conditions of the staff report. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright questioned Mr. Swift as to private parking wh n it reverts to public <br />parking. He asked whether the owner would still retain the title, an whether liability would <br />fall back on the property owner. Mr. Swift replied that it depends 0 how it actually <br />becomes implemented. If it is an unreinforced masonry building and an owner wants to <br />expand beyond 25 percent, then there is no requirement that an own do anything to his <br />parking, but it can just be expanded. If it is not an unreinforced bu' ing and the owner <br />wishes to expand and agrees to make a private parking lot and then . shes to make it open to <br />the public, then the owner could expand beyond the 25 percent level ithout having to <br />provide additional on-street parking. At that point it would be a priv tely-owned parking lot <br />that would be open to the public. This would still be private prope , but with a type of <br />public easement so that liability insurance would cover it. However, during the interim <br />period of construction by the City, the City plans to make available eir insurance to such <br />an owner, but not on a permanent basis. <br /> <br />Commissioner Mahem questioned as to whether the City's incentives e enough to interest <br />an owner to reinforce his building. Mr. Swift replied that City Coun il has adopted an <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes December 9, 1992 <br />Page 4 <br />