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PC 10/14/1992
City of Pleasanton
PC 10/14/1992
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PC 10/14/1992
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<br />Commissioner Mahern questioned Mr. Iserson as to the possibility 0 increasing the <br />installation of wooden sidewalks downtown, along with several that e already there. Mr. <br />Iserson said they would hope to retain what is already there as it add to the charm of <br />downtown. The design consultant is looking into the feasibility of in talling more, but that is <br />not to say that all the sidewalks will be wooden. He thought there 'ght be some locations <br />that wooden sidewalks might lend more appeal, such as at Dean's C e or where there are <br />existing sidewalk overhangs. <br /> <br />Commissioner Mahern referred to page 14 of the staff report and as for further <br />clarification as to the recommendation to permit only retail on the gr und floor of Main <br />Street and the 90-day time frame to rent to a non-retail business if a etail use cannot be <br />found. Mr. Iserson clarified the recommendation of the Task Force n this matter. <br /> <br />Further discussion ensued between the Commission and Mr. Iserson n regard to the retail- <br />only concept. <br /> <br />Commissioner Wright stressed that he would hate to think that the re <br />preclude the possibility of having another gas station go in should th <br />Street leave, as have two others. He felt it was important to have 0 <br /> <br /> <br />'l-only concept would <br />existing ones on Main <br />in the downtown area. <br /> <br />In response to Chairman Hovingh's question, Mr. Swift replied that ut of the 8.25 percent <br />sales tax, the City receives 99 percent of one cent, or less than one nt. <br /> <br />Chairman Hovingh questioned staff as to the cost of keeping one Ian open during <br />construction and the rationale for closing it. Mr. Iserson noted that. was the consensus of <br />those working on the Task Force, in conjunction with many other di cussions, that it would <br />be less disruptive to the merchants to close down a few blocks of M 'n Street for a portion <br />of time to speed up the process of construction and simply get it ove with. <br /> <br />TIlE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED, <br /> <br />Shelby Martin, 450 Main Street, Director of the Chamber of Comm rce, thanked City staff <br />members and all the business volunteers who worked on the Downto n Revitalization Plan <br />for such a long time, noting that revitalization of downtown has bee a dream for over 13 <br />years. She stated that the plan has been generally endorsed by the C amber of Commerce <br />Board of Directors except for one concept that they are strongly op sed to which is the <br />mandated first floor retail for Main Street. They would rather stay ith the 1989 Land Use <br />Plan as stated in the Specific Plan. She said the Chamber is in fav of encouraging retail <br />in the first floors, but they do not wish to have it mandated. She fel that in mandating this <br />concept that it sends a strong message to those people who are not r tail oriented that they <br />are not as good as others, and are not wanted in the downtown area. She thought that would <br />seem too much like prejudice to mandate retail-only. She was cone ed that should an <br />existing retail merchant vacate a building and it was mandated that other retail merchant <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes October l4, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 9 <br />
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