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<br />Steve May, 690 Main Street, was opposed to retail-only. He further questioned if Spring <br />Street would be open to two-way traffic, and stated he was opposed taking any parking <br />spaces away from Spring Street. <br /> <br /> <br />ailable at the present <br />ble from Measure B, <br /> <br />r- She stated she had further concerns about who would be liable shoul <br />delayed. <br /> <br />Mr. Higdon reiterated staffs previous statements that funds are not <br />time to keep Main Street open at all times. Some funds will be avai <br />gas taxes, and some other sources. <br /> <br />Ms. Randazzo responded to comments that the tenants should ask th 'r landlords for help. <br />She stated the landlords cannot help more than they are already, and id not feel it is the <br />tenant's place to ask them. <br /> <br />Bill Laube, 855 Main Street, owner of the Pleasanton Hotel, stated at he has been a <br />member of the Task Force and thanked the staff for all their assistan e. He felt it was <br />important that the construction contracts contain clauses that will k them on time; he felt <br />that adequate parking must be provided somehow; he is a strong pro nent of having retail in <br />the first floors and feels it should be encouraged. He noted that wh people come to the <br />hotel on weekends they want to know if there is anything to do dow town. He referred to <br />Condition 46 and felt that a good advertising firm would be needed make the project a <br />success for the merchants. He would advise that this person or firm be kept on for two <br />years or more. <br /> <br />Phyliss Couper, 6525 Alisal Street, represented Desert Design at 60 <br />said is in the three block closure area. Her biggest concern was lac of parking during the <br />construction period; she agreed with comments that assessment fees hould be waived during <br />the construction period or that some of the $50,000 budgeted for pro otion should be used <br />to help pay merchant's rent. She suggested that a shuttle bus from ission Plaza to the <br />library be considered to offset the lack of parking and encourage Ie to come downtown. <br />She also suggested having the construction crew work at night to eli inate noise for the <br />merchants. She felt that they should wait until the economy is bette before they start <br />construction. <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. Higdon reiterated his comments that input from the many meeti gs they have held with <br />the Task Force and the Chamber of Commerce is that they wish the ork to commence as <br />soon as possible. <br /> <br /> <br />Ms. Couper continued to say that she felt wood sidewalks were not ood and would not <br />favor more of them. Mr. Iserson stated there is no proposal to put 1 wood sidewalks in, <br />just to retain the existing ones and consider adding new ones where ppropriate. <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes October l4, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 13 <br />