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<br />Brian Dutchover, 450 Main Street, Suite 206, said he is a Pleasanton resident, has a business <br />downtown, and is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the P A. He stated that he <br />is strongly opposed to mandating retail-only for first floor buildings i the downtown. He <br />felt it was unfair to mandate to the property owners any restriction 0 that sort, and was very <br />concerned that should a retail tenant vacate a non-retail tenant could ot be encouraged to <br />rent it. He urged that the Commission consider this issue carefully. <br /> <br />Chairman Hovingh discussed with Mr. Dutchover the concept of not requiring banks to be <br />downtown in regard to the retail-only issue. <br /> <br />Harold Coursey, 610 Main Street, said he owned Main Street Art G lery and that he would <br />be very impacted by the reconstruction. He urged that Division Str t be kept open to <br />traffic, and that the entrance to the Old County Fair parking lot be ade open to two-way <br />access. He felt it would be a great help if cars could drive from St. ary's Street and park <br />in the County Fair lot. He expressed concern for businesses if Main Street is totally closed <br />for four-six weeks. In regard to comments that promotion and adve ising of downtown <br />during reconstruction would be done, he hoped that money would be available for this <br />purpose and felt it extremely important that advertising be done. He also suggested that <br />directional signs be put up directing people to various businesses du ng reconstruction of <br />streets and closure. <br /> <br />Mr. Higdon responded to Mr. Coursey's suggestion in regard to the ounty Fair lot, stating <br />that he is not sure the area is wide enough, but that the City will 100 into it. Mr. Iserson <br />added that the County Fair parking lot is private property so this wo ld have to be worked <br />out with the property owner. He further encouraged business peopl to talk to the owners of <br />their buildings and encourage them to work with the City as much a possible in regard to <br />the use of any parking lots. <br /> <br />In response to Mr. Coursey's concern about closing any streets for ur-six weeks, Mr. <br />Higdon clarified that the Task Force had recommended that the City speed the schedule as <br />much as possible to get it over with. It is the intent to have some . d of sidewalk on the <br />street at all times to facilitate foot traffic during the time the street ould be under <br />construction, as well as access to the side street parking lots. Mr. igdon further explained <br />how and when the City will lay utility lines during street closure. e reiterated that there <br />was a five-year plan in place for downtown reconstruction; however the Task Force <br />recommended that this be shortened as much as possible. Mr. Higd n strongly encouraged <br />people to come and talk to City staff members about their particular situation, as to <br />deliveries, etc, and also to fill out the questionnaire the City is provo ing. He further noted <br />they will have a number of staff members working full-time on thes matters. <br /> <br />Barry Gardner, 555 Main Street, stated that his business is also in e closed blocks. He <br />referred to a comment from staff in regard to working with their in ividual property owners <br />and felt it was not the tenant's responsibility to do that, but the City s. Mr. Iserson stated <br /> <br />Planning Commission Minutes October l4, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br />