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<br />similar Castro Valley facility has only three occupants that have <br />allowing cars would not affect the occupancy rate. <br /> <br />David Sharp, 4145 Crisfe1d Lane, states he lives directly behind th <br />residents was a major increase in occupancy from 70. He express <br />were approved at 70, that the upper limit might go as high as 140 <br /> <br />s; he felt that not <br /> <br /> <br />project. He felt that 90 <br />concern that even if it <br />esidents. <br /> <br />Chairman Mahern responded to Mr. Sharp's concern, noting that e applicant has always <br />requested 90 residents and 90 would be the maximum allowed. M. Sharp again expressed <br />concern that they would wish to increase that figure. He was remi ded that an application <br />would again have to be filed. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp noted that 142 neighbors have signed a petition, not op osing the project, but <br />opposing the density of the project. He felt the site was too small for the density, and that <br />this was one reason that financial backing is difficult. He agreed at a facility of this nature <br />is needed by Pleasanton, but that it is too dense as planned. He fi t that 90 residents was a <br />30 percent increase in any problem that might occur--from traffic d parking problems to an <br />increase in cooking odors. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp also presented a letter from a neighbor who was oppos to the project density <br />and felt the entire project was out of place. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharp asked the Commission if approval is granted tonight, wether he and the <br />neighbors will have another opportunity to express their opinions. Commissioner Michelotti <br />replied that this application would go on to City Council. <br /> <br />Gwen Vanelle, 4117 Crisfeld Lane, expressed concern about traffi issues. She said she has <br />lived there since 1989 and has seen a substantial increase in traffic since that time. She has <br />even had a car go through her neighbor's fence and many that go t a high rate of speed. <br />She felt that staff s recommendation to monitor the traffic conditio s for six months is <br />prudent and feasible. In response to her question, Chairman Mah rn noted that if they go <br />with staffs recommendation for a six-month monitoring period, th applicant would not have <br />to have another public hearing. Mr. Swift noted this was correct, but that the application <br />could be conditioned to address the neighbors' concerns. <br /> <br />Mr. Shutts returned to the podium. He noted that from the begin ing the application has <br />always been for 90 residents, and that the applicant has no intenti n in increasing that figure. <br />He further stated that the building is sized for only 90 residents, s it cannot be increased. <br />He addressed the concerns stated by Mr. Sharp and Ms. Vanelle: (1) For increased traffic <br />safety, the applicant is going to widen Mohr Avenue near the site. (2) Parking will not be <br />allowed on the front of the site on Mohr Avenue. (3) A soundw I will be installed on the <br />opposite side of the project to mitigate any sound, which would al 0 provide a crash barrier. <br /> <br />Minutes Planning Commission <br />January 22, 1992 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br />