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shall keep, se]] or give away ~vithin the corporate [ir, fits <br />· of the Town of Pleasanton, any gun po~vder, blasting <br /> powder, giant powder, gun cotton, nitro-glycerine or <br /> d.ynamite in 3ny qua'ntity without first obtaining <br /> miss'ion so to do from the Town Clerk' of the Towr~ of <br /> Pieasanton, and then only in quantities of less than <br /> fift.y =pounds (50 lbs.) . <br /> Sec~ 2. ' Repealed by Ordirmnee No. 10.2. <br /> (See Page 5, Book 3 of Ordinances.) <br /> Sec.' 3. 'It shall be the duty of- such person or .per- <br /> sons, firm or corporation obtaining' permission to <br /> keep, sell or give away the materials mentioned <br /> Section 1. and' 2 hereof,- to serve a copy vf~'such permit <br /> as obtaineli ,by ,them upon the fire chief de the Town de_ <br /> of Pleasanton and to in.detail show and-explain to said <br /> Fire Chief the place '.where such materials are kept <br /> to be kept, which must be satisfactory to said Fire Chief <br /> the property of stwh person, pers~>n~, firm or c.3rporation <br /> and while .they Coat/hue_to have lmossession of same. <br /> · 8e.e. 4.. Any~ materials other than mentioned in the <br /> preceding Sections hereof :stored or kept upon any <br /> premises within the corporate limits of the Town of <br /> Pl.easanton~+or any growing grass, rubbish, waste, build- <br /> ing~lor other inflammable substance upon any such' <br /> premises within the corporate limits of the Town ~f. <br /> Pleasanton~ 7 which= shall in .any framer, in ease ~f <br /> endanger any surrounding premises, is hereby declw:ed, <br /> a nuisance.: -' : <br /> Sec. 5. Whenever it;may appear to the' satisfaction <br /> o'f the Chief Of the Fire Department of the Town of <br /> Pleasanton, that public necessity r,quires the removal <br /> of any materials mentioned in Section 4 hereoff:it sh~ll. <br /> be tthe duty of said Chief of the Fire Dep3.rtment t~ <br /> serve upon the person, or persons, firm 0~ c'orporati9,~ <br /> owning such premise~ upon which said matermls are <br /> stored dry kept~ or-allowed to remain, a notice demand- <br /> ing the removal thereof;~ and '~udh person"' o,; ,~eesons, <br /> firm or corporation so re&saving 'Service of such '_. ',~ice <br /> sh~ll-~vit~iir~.-fi~ge ~day's' froin thai:date-o~f ser~iee~gf' sai& <br /> n4~tic~ .rein'dYe the same. ' - ., ;' " '- --: ' ~.-'.' <br /> Sec. 6. In the event any pe~s(m. or rpersons, firm: <br /> or. carporation r~cetf:es :a hvti. ce as' 'ihentidned In . S~c- <br /> tion 5 hereof and shall consider tha~.'~he vnatel-ial~kept;- <br /> or stored, or placed. or Temaihing thereon does ~not 'en- <br /> dahg. er any adjoinin~ property, then said person, or per- <br /> <br /> 150' <br /> <br /> <br />