Subdivision 4. Every person, firm or corporation, is first 'procured from the person,. firm or corporatAon
<br />owning, conducting or giving any theatre or show or gt~jng .such show or exhib~t~n.
<br />exhibition for pay, exceptlug exhibitions or entertain- amending Subdivision 5 of Section 1-0 of:Ordinance 113)
<br />ments heroin otherwise provided for, held or given in a . .Adopted March 6, 1922, under Ordinance No. 125~
<br />licensed public hall, where the admission charge is $1.00 ~ubdivision 6. Every person, firm or corporation
<br />or less, shall procure a license and pay a license tax -of who sells, offers for sale or adver~ises any goods, wares
<br />$2.50 for each day that said show is conducted and
<br /> , or merchandise of any'kind, or patent or
<br />where the admission fee is more than one dollar, shall or ~ny :other.kind by music, singing, dan.c~ng, jugglery,
<br />procur~e a li.dense and pay a license fee of $5.00 per ~lay. tricks, slight offhand, buffoonery, gymnastics, Ior spot-
<br /> (As amended by Ordinance 120. Passed tacular display, shows or performances, either upon the
<br /> March 21st, i921.) streets of the town, or in a tent or a licensed llublic
<br /> hall or any place in the Town of Pleasanton calculated
<br /> Subdivision 5-A. Every person, firm or corpora, to draw a'crowd of people or which .draws a crow41 of
<br />tion owning, conducting or giving any theatre or any people about the person or :persons so selling, offering
<br />show or exhibition for pay, excdpting exhibitions or for sale or advertising as laforesaid, shall procure a: li-
<br />entertainments herOin otherwise provided for, held or cease and pay a license tax of $100.00 per~week;
<br />given in a tent, building, or other covered enclosure,
<br />where admission is 25c or less, shall'procure a license ~Subdivision 7. Every person, firm~ or corpo~at'~on
<br />and pay a license tax of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for carrying'on or 'conducting in a fixed ~plaee Of business
<br />each day; where admission is more than 25c shall pro- Used solely for.~hat purpose a moving~ picture exhibi-
<br />cure a license and pay ~ 1.iceuse tax of Forty Dolllava ~ion, or :what is caromonly ~ermed a '~raeving picture
<br />(40.04)) for each day. show", shall procure a'license and pay a license tax- of
<br /> (Amending Subdiyision 5 of Section 1'0. Adopted $12 per annum; but where.any moving picture exhi-
<br /> bition is given or held in a building which is not used
<br /> March 6th, 1922, under Ordinance No. 125.) solely ~for mov~xg picture shows and exhibitions and
<br /> Subdivision 5:B. Every person firm or corpor- is used for other purposes as well, must procxire a li-
<br />~tton owning or or conductring or ren.ting cease and pay a license tax of $10.00 per dsl¥;
<br />or using an amusement park, or other open enclosure .Subdivision 8. Any show or exhibition or both,
<br /> " all kinds given hy .a chnrch~ fraternal, literary or.Other
<br />or premises, and conductin or giving therein any =show
<br /> social society, of .the .Tawn of' Pleasanton, whether ad-
<br />or shows, or exhibition. 0r. exhibitions, or entertain-. misaion is charged or not, provided h~xat no portion of
<br />meat or entertainments, exceptixq~ shows or exhibi- such admission charges .are~ the property of any person
<br />tions or entertaihments heroin otherwise provided for o~ persons, no license tax shall be. charged;
<br />entrance to which said park' or enclosure or premises is Subdivision 9. Every persour ! firm or corporation
<br />prohibited' at any time or occa~,ion .to any person or who for pay or hire, exhibits or operates any merry~
<br />persons without the payment of 'an admission fee, shah ge-found, hobby horse, s or carriages run by steam, ani-
<br />procure a license and pay o, license t~x. of One Hundred · ' real or horse po,wor, must procure
<br />Dollars ($100.00) per annum; and any person, firm, ore a license tax 6'f $10._00 'a day;
<br />corporation having procured~ a license unde. r this ordi-
<br />nance for the conducting or carrying on of any partic- Subdivision 10. Every person, firm or corporation
<br />ular business in this. Ordinance provided, shell b~ who carries on, conducts or maintains a shooting gal-
<br />privileged to carry on and conduct the business for which lery, must secure a license and pay a license tax of
<br />said license has been procured w:thin the .enclosure ~r, $20.00 per annum,
<br />which such exhibition or show is given ~ithout secur- .Subdivision 11. Every..pei~on,.firm or :carpafar[on,
<br />ing a further lice~ise therefor, provided that permission who carries on, conducts or maintains a wood~ and coal
<br /> ~76 177
<br />
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