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<br />development. The lighting plan shall address the number, <br />location, and type of electroliers proposed for each section <br />of the development. <br /> <br />24. The developer shall submit a detailed design plan for the <br />water tank and adjacent area and for all pump stations for <br />review and approval by the Design Review Board prior to <br />approval of the tentative map. The goal of the plan shall <br />be to minimize the visual impact of the water tank and pump <br />stations from all locations through appropriate landscaping, <br />use of an appropriate paint color, and appropriate grading <br />techniques, which may include berms and/or partial burying <br />of the facilities. <br /> <br />Open space/Recreation <br /> <br />25. The developer shall make an open offer of dedication to the <br />city for all areas of open space not included in the golf <br />course and/or residential areas. Acceptance of all open <br />space areas proposed for public ownership shall be subject <br />to review and recommendation by the City Parks and <br />Recreation Commission. The open offer of dedication shall <br />remain valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of <br />recordation of the first final map for the project. <br /> <br />26. The developer shall design and improve a minimum 5-acre <br />public park as part of the project. The location of said <br />park shall be determined in conjunction with approval of the <br />tentative map; however, the park should be located as close <br />as feasible to the residential area. The facility shall <br />include "neighborhood park" amenities suitable for the <br />hillside site (informal turf play field areas, tot lot, <br />etc.) as well as "natural open space" amenities (picnic <br />tables, BBQ, etc.). The developer shall also design and <br />improve a staging area for the public trail system in the <br />area north of Hearst Drive between the western boundary of <br />the property and the club house road entrance. The design <br />of the recreation facilities shall be submitted for review <br />and approval by the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to <br />approval of the first final map and shall be constructed in <br />conjunction with the first phase of public improvements on <br />the site. The open offer of dedication for the 5-acre park <br />shall be made separately from other open space areas. <br /> <br />27. The developer shall submit an open space management plan for <br />review and approval by the Planning Commission in <br />conjunction with the tentative map. The plan shall include <br />the siting and design of a trail system within the open <br />space area to be integrated with the golf course. In <br />addition, the plan shall provide for the following: <br /> <br />a. Ownership and liability considerations; <br /> <br />" <br />