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S]~CTIO~i P-!: ~go person s}.~lt sell any alco?.~olic beverage <br /> between the hours of one o'clock A,]v:U, ar.d six o'clock A,Z, on any <br /> day, <br /> <br /> ~CTION 2~: Notl'~in~J ?~erei~ ~oDtai~d ~:i all ~;e co~str~ed <br /> <br />to pro:vent t~:e boD~ fide employees of ~ny lisens~.e Le~TeuDder from <br />assi~ zin~ ~im in tPe sale of a!oh~olic be~;era/jes o~ ire ] <br />~.~ilh resUcst tc ~.r.~i ic~ ~:is liserse is issued. <br /> <br /> j~i:ECTIO!~ ;-:3: Anyt[~i~5 iD {t. is ordi~a~gc~: to tk~e contrary <br />not~,~i~hsisndimg, ~,o public saloos, pubTits bar or bar room or <br />oiLer imhlic drim',~in~ plac~ wkere alcotuolic bevera[~e to be used <br />for amy ~mrTose sk'~211 hTe kept, bo~[._t, sold, cor~smmed or ot~erw, ise <br />disposed of, shall. 'se estabtisLed, ~aintsimed, o~:' open'ated <br />~Le Tov,~ of Yleasamto~. <br /> <br /> SZb2C'i'IO~ B4: Ti. is ordj.~s. nce s?~?ll apply to s.l! territory <br />v,~i~bim sorpor,:;te limits of t~ze To-w~ of '~:Zoaaa~ton. <br /> <br /> SECTIOj~ ~:5: Any person wiol~v~ti~9~ any of tee ~rowisions <br />of ilia ordimar~ce s?;all ~e g~ilty of a ~:~:sdeu~eamor mgd sball u!~om <br />~o~vizii~ ;:'e .U'u~-~is~ed by a fir~e mot exceeding TI~E5 HU']~D',:~D DOLI~RS <br />(~300.00) o:' by im~.'rison~emt mot ~;xceedim:j thee mo~tks or by bot?~ <br />such l'i~e ar-~d im'U.n'isoo,~emt. ~very seZrars. te trsr~ssction <br />wiolatior~ of ti~.:is o:dinsnce s: all ;~e dee:.:ued a separate offe~se. <br /> <br /> SZCTION ~6: Tl~e conwictiom o'~' amy lis~-~:~see or of <br /> <br />of Pis employees operatire(:; u~der suck license, of a wiolatiom of <br />tP~is ordinat~cc, siusl.:. aulo:'natisally i'cvoke such licer~se. <br /> <br /> ffZCTION 27: if any section, sub-sc~tion, ~er~tcnce, <br /> <br />slau. se or !:.~ra:~e of' 'ti-i~ oi'disn:~'~ac is, i'or any reason, }:':old ~o be <br />u-:-,co,;~siitutiona! or im~=lid, sustn decision si.all mot' affect i~ne <br />validity or co~atit~.~tio~oliiy oi' tee re;~ainim:ff pc:floss of tLis <br />ordinance. Tke To~:'n Council hereby declare that it uould <br />-cased ordimar~se a~d easl; section, sub-sections, <br />ct?.t~se or pkrase il:e~'eof im'resi_;cstl~e of t:,:e fast tl';~t one or <br />o i' t ] c s e o t i o r] 1'5, ~ [ ~ ].:: - [~ e c t j ~ ~] 5, a~ ~z i~ t c ~] o e s, ~ ! ~ ~ s, e s o r '[; t .: r a ~ e <br /> <br /> -7- <br /> <br /> <br />