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fro~v~ ~!imte tiiereof. Fail~re to i~ay t}=e mnnual license fec! on or ~cfore <br /> 1be day of the ez!,~ir~tior'~ of i~c !icenee mutomatically cancels arid <br /> te.mnir~sies t?~e ]icenee. if o~ os before t~e <~ay of ti.c <::~:]'iration of <br /> ~ ]ic~s~ t] e anr~;u~l licecs~.= fee i e:ceir~ ']ro~'ided to: i~ aid f'ov' i] e <br /> ~nsuimff ],=.'eFt, tie ljoer~se for suo!c ensuir~.y~] l,;ear s}ali be issued. <br /> <br /> ~ZZON li: T~e To~n Council m. sy o~ its o~;'~ motior~, <br /> <br /> ~:}a'!l u'pon 1:1o verified cost:icier in v,'ritin~ of any %.arson ir~esti.~r3te <br /> t? c actions of any licer~see amd si~ all ~:a~e p~zer to temporari!~, <br /> or ,',e~r',sr~er~tlR~ z'e~oE~e an~z iicens~c issued i;ereu~oder for a~y of <br /> f'otlo' acts, or::issions or r~asor~s: <br /> <br /> (a) ]isrepz'esents~ion oi' soy material f'aci t:y ti,e ai:31icar~t <br /> obtainir~q tLc license:. <br /> <br /> (;c) If t~;e lic~:msEe ~iolsi~s or c:>us<s or 'er~z.:its to be ~iolated <br /> <br /> r: .f>' o~' ~;: c ],.:o~'isions of tl is ordinance or of an,y la', pcrtaininff to <br /> i'~'e sale of slcoLo].ic h~:~'era~es, o:' is c:'~nvicted of srO' cringe <br /> in~olvinFff mon'r~]_ turi~i <br /> <br /> (s) ]~f tl e iicer~see som~its any ?st. or ~y con~ition exista <br /> <br /> under Zestion ? of tLis er~]inan3~ %',euld be sufi'icient ~roun[~ for <br /> <br />demial of r~m r~Z:]!icstion f'or a license. <br /> <br />(d) If i~ ti':e opinion of the ]'o~n Coumcil ti.,~:: cantintact:co of <br />~xercisc of sue? li3.br3sC iS mot coBslatent ~..'itb t~'e t;t.~::],ic v'elfare. <br /> <br /> :%iCTIOlq' 13: ~'rior to the revocation of er~y license issued <br />l-ereu~der by t}e T'ovm Coumci! ten (10) days' mot ice sLall ;:::e <br />to ~]te 1itemsee by ~'=:,~sreoDsl sere'ice or by reCistercd mail directed to <br /> <br />t?e lic6'nsse at t:~e Z:lac~ of business 8esiZ~sied in fTe license. <br />I~inE, mses stuslt be revoked by ti~e To~,,n Oounsil only ~!~oB notice as <br />~:ro~ided k,ereim a~nd u.';:on a k esrin,:: at u:~ ich tl e licensee may attend <br /> <br />r,:~-~d be: l,' e~:':cd. b{~t tl c T,D%~B 3OUr~3il s~all mot be boumd to decide in <br />rscordams~ v~it?; ti:e e~iaet'~ce tai,ze~ at susb ~eari~3~:~. end Q:'2/ cordalder <br />~i3y ot.:.jectioo 32' 2'ote~ts v,] ic~ L.a), ~:~'e r,~ mo~e, aDO ally otl'er <br />facts. ~'le reposetics by t~e To¥~r~ Coumcil of anbr license issmcd <br />i;e~'eur}der, sfl:er SL~.Cl. notice and !':earin~. si's, ll be f'ir.,al ~?ud conc]~si~ye. <br /> <br /> ~:i~;CTIC1.j 14: I'[o I:erson s?:at.Z sell PnF alcoi o]_ic be~E:rr:r[~fe <br /> <br />o~.'t [,,o]_di:.,!; a valid. ubre~oked. unsua]esced licerzse issu:ed sa ?:erein <br /> <br /> -5- <br /> <br /> <br />