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i,~ I;'~ ':f?EZEAi~02 ~" v TaT ~:, ~'n~; ~,:~ ij.h :-,:] iG .]=~iL Z AI~':;.i: ILL,, tj2U CT iOZ~::-~%. <br /> <br /> n.;~]CTZDN ]. A Jmaior ?ra~fic 0"ricer i~c hereby de:Cined to be <br /> <br />a pupil. attencU ing a school which includes the To'~zm off ff>lear-;anton <br />wit]:r. fi, n it',~ d~;~'ztrict ~vho has' been d.e;a;ignated by the n:v>riaci][~a] of <br />tho schoo~ which he attends and/or by the director of a junior <br />Traffic 2atro]_ to control school children while cro~:sing str.ets <br />fin the Town of [21easanton at designated inter~e~tions, an~'~ who, <br /> <br />w~,::-t]o on ~ w:~ar ~ ~.nsi~'nia indicati:~ their authority. <br /> <br /> ,UZUC~.']] ;i:i 2. All operators of veU~zicles sha]! obey all ?,ignal;' <br /> <br />and ~,n,: truations o' junior Traf;ffic Of~fficers w?-~on they are acting <br />at re.~u] ar eatab] ~ ~ahed , choo~ cros~'~,in~'~, provided tile Jcu~ior <br />~frsffic 0 'ficer~ at thG t~,:;e are we ,zi:~[y some in~:~ignia indicati:~f' <br />~.~:,. e ir author i ty. <br /> <br /> U]C(jI]',];: 5. z~ny ooerator of a vehicle who sha~l fail to obey <br /> <br />any ~i?rnal or i:'~' truction o;'~ a J~onior Traffic Off~'icer haZ! be <br />gni'jty oTM a mi~derneanor an' shall be D~nisha,a]a. by a fi-ne not <br />a:~;cee:f, ing O.i~[~? '~:[L:;~jDI~],O (,]]00.00) , and if said fine be not ~v:,aid, <br />by ~u~pri:~onment at t].~:~ rate of one day for each ,j2.00 of said <br />-~i ne. <br /> <br /> rim,:,, ordinance ~:.]'~.a],]_ be publisher once in <br /> <br />2]eas~-n;n on Times, and shall. ta]~s~ ejfect thirty day'c: from and <br /> <br />after its ~a~sa(:'e and adopt~ on. <br /> <br /> Introduced a,t a re~:ymZar maet~,ng o:f the Council of the ~own of <br />,?!easanton heZd on February 6, ~933 by Councilman ~ <br /> <br /> <br />