<br />
<br />(h) Medical/dental clinics and related health maintenance organizations, not including
<br />manufacture, fabrication, or sale of any article or commodity other than those incidental
<br />to the services provided;
<br />(i) Licensed child care facilities, with the consent of the Design Review Committee;
<br />G) Travel agencies;
<br />(k) Heliport and parking facility, conditionally permitted on Lot 52 only;
<br />(I) Prescription pharmacies, provided that at least eighty percent (80%) of the interior
<br />display area shall be used for the preparation and sale of prescription or trade drugs; and
<br />(m) Any other use determined by the Association and the City of Pleasanton to be
<br />substantially similar to any of the above permitted uses.
<br />
<br />1.4 Mid-Rise Planning District. The permitted uses for the Mid-Rise Planning District
<br />("OMPD", Let 9, P8feel g...'~, Let 2€t, Let 53, Parser 55)" 55}!, sse, 55!) aRtI SSE, Pafeel S7C, Let 58,
<br />Lot 59, Lot llll) are:
<br />
<br />(a) Administrative, executive, and business offices;
<br />(h) Barbershops;
<br />(c) Business service offices, including employment agencies, accountants, notaries,
<br />stenographic, addressing, computing, and related services;
<br />(d) Business consultant offices;
<br />(e) Design professions offices (engineering, architectural, drafting, etc.);
<br />(f) Research development, analytical, and scientific offices;
<br />(g) Manufacturers' representatives and sales offices;
<br />(h) Headquarters or region-wide finance, insurance, and real estate offices;
<br />(i) Medical/dental clinics and related health maintenance organizations, not including
<br />manufacture, fabrication, or sale of any article or commodity other than those incidental
<br />to the services provided;
<br />G) Travel agencies;
<br />(k) Prescription pharmacies, provided that at least eighty percent (80%) of the interior
<br />display area shall be used for the preparation and sale of prescription or trade drugs;
<br />(I) Restaurants, including on-sale liquor; and
<br />(m) Any other use determined by the Association and the City of Pleasanton to be
<br />substantially similar to any of the above permitted uses.
<br />
<br />1.5 Research and Development/Light Manufacturing Planning District. The permitted uses for
<br />the Research and Development/Light Manufacturing Planning District ("IPD", Leis 1, ll, 8, 11, 12, 15,
<br />Ill, 17, 18, 19,23,21,21,29,39,31,32,33,31,35, 311, lIIlll Pareels 7/., 7B, 1GB IIRt! 25B) are:
<br />
<br />(a) Manufacture and assembly of business machines, including electronic data processing
<br />equipment, accounting machines, calculators, typewriters and related equipment, and
<br />communications and testing equipment;
<br />(b) Manufacture and assembly of electrical supplies, such as coils, condensers, crystal
<br />holders, insulation, lamps, switches, and wire cable assembly, provided no noxious or
<br />offensive fumes or odors are produced;
<br />
<br />- 4-
<br />