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<br />should include all landslides and potential landslides on-site <br />and all landslides off-site that may impact on-site development, <br />as well as landslides on-site that may affect adjacent <br />properties. This work should include preparation of a detailed <br />geologic map and performance of a subsurface investigation <br />within each area with a high potential for future slope <br />movement. A thorough slope stability analysis should include <br />considerations of the maximum seismic accelerations which might <br />be transmitted, especially in regard to saturated soil <br />conditions. The project engineer and engineering geologist also <br />should provide recommendations for location of a suitable <br />building envelope for each hillside lot. Additional <br />recommendations should be made as to the hazard feasibility of <br />developing lots heavily-impacted by landslides, landslide <br />repair, or potential slope failure. (MM 9.A.I) <br /> <br />55. A detailed construction plan should be prepared by the project's <br />geotechnical engineer and/or certified engineering geologist for <br />the stabilization of all on-site landslides and potential <br />landslides, all off-site slides that may affect the project or <br />adjacent off-site developed areas. The depth and lateral <br />dimensions of each landslide should include detailed section and <br />plans showing the limit of work along with detailed grading <br />specifications for performance of the stabilization work. All <br />landslides and potential landslides which could affect the <br />proposed project should be stabilized by the developer before <br />individual lots are sold. (MM 9.A.2) <br /> <br />56. (MM 9.A.3) Subsurface and surface drainage water should be <br />controlled so that landslide instigation, initiation or <br />reactivation will be minimized. All storm drainage should be in <br />closed conduits. Concrete ditches with catch basins should be <br />used frequently to catch surface water. A subdrain system <br />should be installed to intercept subsurface water flow. <br />Sediment basins should be installed to remove soils carried in <br />storm water run-off. <br /> <br />57. (MM 9.A.~) The project geotechnical engineer and/or certified <br />engineer1ng geologist should provide detailed recommendations <br />for the setback of structures from cut slopes, fill slopes, <br />natural slopes and buttresses. <br /> <br />58. (MM 9.A.5) The project civil engineer should ensure that all <br />recommendations of the geotechnical engineer and/or certified <br />engineering geologist are reflected in the grading and drainage <br />plans and implemented by the developer. <br /> <br />59. (MM 9 .A. 6) Lot grading should be performed as part of the <br />overall subdivision grading recommended by the geotechnical and <br />civil engineers... Modifications by builders or homeowners <br />should not be permitted. <br />