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<br />FINDING: The Commission finds that the implementation of the WFRCOD Alternative <br />(Chapter 11, Figure 11-4 of the Final SEIR) with a modification of the Foothill Road setback <br />to a staggered setback requirement of 120 to 135 feet, in conjunction with other mitigation <br />measures requiring an increase in interior lot widths, and specific landscape and architectural <br />guidelines, are feasible and have been incorporated into the project design or into the project by <br />reference through conditions of approval, and will be effective in reducing the impacts of this <br />non-conformity to a less than significant level. These measures are 51 (a modification of the <br />WFRCOD Alternative), 50, 5q, 5r, 5s, 5t, 5u, 5vand 5w. <br /> <br />5. Unassured retainment and maintenance of Foothill Road ooen snace easement <br /> <br />IMP ACT: The Planning Commission finds that retainment and maintenance of open space <br />easements and open space areas along Foothill Road is essential is promoting visual quality and ' <br />maintaining the Foothill Road character, and intent of the WFRCOD. A lack of specific <br />standards, guidelines or maintenance/management programs is considered a potentially <br />significant impact. <br /> <br />DEGREE: <br /> <br />Significant. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Commission finds that preparation of an open space management program <br />by the developer (Condition 12) with maintenance responsibilities assigned to a created <br />homeowners' association (Condition 8), in combination with modifications to the project <br />architectural and landscape guidelines which specify the locations of accessory structures and <br />landscape qualities of these open space easement areas (MM 3g and 5u), are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the project design or into the project by reference through conditions of <br />approval, and will be effective in reducing the impacts of this non-conformity to a less than <br />significant level. <br /> <br />Visual Impacts <br /> <br />1. Alteration of IandSCl!.pe character <br /> <br />IMPACT: The Planning Commission finds that a major overall impact is the loss of scenic <br />open space and the change in the character of the site from a rural, farm-type landscape to that <br />of low-density residential development, would affect views of motorists along Foothill Road and <br />1-680, as well as residents along Country Lane. <br /> <br />DEGREE: <br /> <br />Significant and unavoidable. <br /> <br />FINDING: The Commission finds that mitigation measures 50, 5q, 5r, 5s, 5t, 5v, and 5w <br />(Final SEIR, pages 5-20 through 5-25) are feasible and have been incorporated into the project <br />design or into the project by reference through conditions of approval, and will be effective in <br />reducing the visual impacts of this project to a less than significant level. Although <br />implementation of these recommendations will not remove all visibility of the project from the <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />- <br />