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<br />5. If the maximum number of athletes allowed in each program results in conflicts <br />in parking and/or on-site circulation, at the discretion of the Planning Director, the <br />applicants shall lower the total number of athletes or shall take other actions <br />determined by the Planning Director to be necessary to mitigate such conflicts, <br />within thirty (30) days of City notification. The Planning Director may refer this <br />matter to the Planning Commission for resolution at a public hearing. <br /> <br />6. The applicant shall include in the parent handbook a contractual agreement for <br />team parents. The agreement shall specify that team parents may not remain at <br />the facility during practice; that drivers shall follow all circulation rules, including <br />that drop-off/ pick-up of athletes on Serpentine Lane is prohibited, and that <br />parents must use their best efforts to participate in carpools. Each team parent <br />shall be required to sign the contractual agreement upon enrollment. A copy of <br />the parent handbook and contractual agreement shall be submitted to the Planning <br />Director for review and approval within thirty (30) days from the date of this use <br />permit approval. <br /> <br />7. If noise from operation of the facility becomes an issue, the applicants shall be <br />required to mitigate noise impacts as determined by the Planning Director. Such <br />mitigations may include keeping the doors closed during operation, reducing the <br />number of athletes attending each session, or other methods of reducing noise <br />impacts. <br /> <br />8. The applicant shall secure additional off-site parking spaces on adjacent <br />properties for use during invitational events and meets. Prior to commencement <br />of such events, the applicants shall obtain written easement, license agreement, or <br />similar agreement from adjacent property owners allowing U.S. Gyrnsports to use <br />their parking lots as the over-flow parking spaces during the invitation events and <br />meets. The easement or agreement shall specify the number of parking spaces <br />available for U.S. Gyrnsports and the duration ofthat easement or agreement. A <br />copy of the executed easement or agreement shall be submitted to the Planning <br />Director and City Attorney for approval prior to holding any meets/events. The <br />document shall be recorded, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director. <br /> <br />9. At least four weeks prior to holding any invitational events/meets in the subject <br />facility, the applicants shall submit an operational plan for the event to the <br />Planning Director for review and approval. The pan shall state the number of <br />athletes participating, the number of expected spectators, the number and location <br />of off-site parking spaces, the event hours, and any other information determined <br />to the necessary by the Planning Director to ensure that the event will be operated <br />in a safe manner and will not create impacts to surrounding properties. <br /> <br />10. Within ten (10) days of this use permit approval, the applicants shall submit <br />complete construction drawings for the entire facility to the Building Department <br />for plan check and shall use their best efforts to secure the building permits and <br />all required City permit as soon as possible. <br />