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Commissioner Fox noted that most gas stations were at the comer of an intersection and noted <br />that stations not at the corner entail a number of turns to return to the original direction of travel. <br />She did not agree that there would be no incremental impact on traffic, especially because the <br />intersection must be traveled twice. Mr. Iserson noted that this station was located on a corner, <br />which helped with access. He described a method of travel that would not entail going through <br />the intersection twice. <br />A discussion of various cut-through routes ensued. <br />Commissioner Sullivan noted that the section on "Mandatory Findings of Significance," on <br />page 7 of the Negative Declaration described Mr. Iserson's point that the project itself had a very <br />small impact but that it added traffic to a situation that was already very bad. He believed that <br />there should be a "Yes" indication for that paragraph. <br />Mr. Iserson advised that could be tempered if the Commission desired by developing one of the <br />thresholds to determine significance. <br />Commissioner Maas inquired whether the Commission had approved any past projects with a <br />similar LOS. Mr. Iserson replied that he did not recall any new projects; the McDonald's <br />application was a design review of analready-approved project. <br />Commissioner Fox noted that the monument sign appeazed to be twice the height of a person and <br />inquired whether the scale of the illustration was correct. Mr. Iserson noted that the picture was <br />out of proportion and added that the sign was designed to be nine feet high. <br />Commissioner Fox inquired whether there was a Federal regulation restricting the use of the <br />U.S. flag as a corporate logo. Mr. Iserson noted that the applicant may be able to clarify that <br />question. <br />Commissioner Maas inquired about the effect of the number of pumps and aisles on traffic <br />circulation. Mr. Iserson confirmed that the more aisles and pumps were located in a gas station, <br />the more quickly the traffic turns over and the less backup would exist. <br />Chairperson Roberts noted that page 17 contained an error which referred to "a quick-service <br />restaurant with drive-through." Mr. Iserson confirmed the error. <br />Chairperson Roberts inquired whether the new turn lane and the widening of Stanley Boulevard <br />were taken into consideration in the traffic model. Jeff Knowles confirmed that they were taken <br />into consideration. <br />Chairperson Roberts inquired whether Express Liquors was open 24 hours. Mr. Iserson replied <br />that he did not know. <br />In response to an inquiry by Chairperson Roberts whether diverted trips were counted as new <br />trips, Mr. Iserson replied that they were new trips and that only the pass-by trips were not <br />counted. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 8, 2004 Page 6 of 14 <br />