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Whether the proposed development plan is in the best interests of the public health, <br />safety, and general welfare: <br /> <br />The proposed project as designed and conditioned meets all applicable City standards <br />concerning public health, safety, and welfare, e.g., vehicle access, geologic hazards <br />(new development not within a special studies zone), and flood hazards. Full public <br />and private streets and water, storm, and sanitary sewer lines are present to serve the <br />proposed lots on this site. <br /> <br />Because the grade on the north side of the subject property is approximately five to <br />six feet higher than the grade elevation of San Carlos Way, resulting in a series of <br />steps and landings required to connect the public sidewalk to the street, the proposed <br />sidewalk would not meet ADA standards. Staff considered options to achieve com- <br />pliance and concludes that compliance is not feasible for the following reasons: plac- <br />ing the sidewalk in a depressed trench would close-in the sidewalk creating an inhos- <br />pitable pedestrian environment; there is less than available space on San Carlos Way <br />to construct an ADA-acceptable ramp without having to condemn private property; <br />the existing grades on San Carlos Way and on Sycamore Terrace, where the portion <br />of the public sidewalk is located, do not meet ADA standards for slope grades; and <br />other ADA accessible routes are available on Sunol Boulevard and from San Antonio <br />Street to Sunset Creek Lane to Sycamore Creek Way and the linear park. <br /> <br />Staff, therefore, believes that this finding can be made. <br /> <br />Whether the proposed development plan is consistent with the Pleasanton General <br />Plan and the North Sycamore Specific Plan: <br /> <br />The North Sycamore Specific Plan was developed to implement the City's General <br />Plan for the North Sycamore Area. The Sycamore Specific Plan has been found to be <br />consistent with the General Plan policies including development outside 100-year <br />flood zone areas, development on stable soils, and densities consistent with surround- <br />ing properties. The mitigation measures specified by the North Sycamore Specific <br />Plan applicable to the proposed project are incorporated in the proposed development <br />plan and/or are addressed with conditions of approval. <br /> <br />Staff, therefore, believes that this finding can be made. <br /> <br />Whether the proposed development plan is compatible with previously developed <br />properties located in the vicinity of the plan: <br /> <br />Staff considers the project site to be an infill property surrounded by a variety of ex~ <br />isting and planned residential. The proposed development plan incorporates numer- <br />ous provisions - limitations on building heights, setbacks, maximum floor area, etc., - <br /> <br />Item 6. a., PUD-42 and PSP-08 Page 15 of 18 February 9, 2005 <br /> <br /> <br />